Chapter 42

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    The night seemed to be lasting forever. Yvaine finally gave up trying to stand, after losing her balance for the twentieth time. She laid on the dirt floor and closed her eyes, hoping to sleep. That didn't work either.

    Her chest was tight and she could barely draw in an adequate breath. Not to mention the worsening pain in her side and her sliced palm. Yvaine opened her eyes again, trying to fight off a wave of hopelessness.

    A Telmarine soldier walked past the metal bars and looked in. He crouched down, meeting her gaze. "You know, they've caught up the Narnians by now. I wouldn't be surprised if they're all dead by morning. Of course, King Hakan will keep the kings and queens alive. You're supposed to watch them die," he sneered. "You should've stayed out of this entire mess. There's no one to help you here." The soldier stood once more and carried on.

    But I couldn't stay away, Yvaine sighed to herself. I had so many questions and so few answers. He's right about the last part, though. No one here will go out of their way to help me, not even my father.

    "Are you so certain of that?"

    Yvaine gasped and scrambled backwards. The Witch's apparition filled the cell with a pale blue light. She looked different. Her hair still floated around her face, but she wore a distinguishable crown of icicles and a gown.

    The White Witch laughed cruelly. "I told you you would want my help. I told you I would come. I've been waiting." She drifted closer. The temperature was beginning to drop. Yvaine could see her breath forming a cloud in the air.

    "I don't want your help," she rasped.

    "Don't you?" Jadis raised an eyebrow. "You will die here. You know that. You will die, the Narnians will be killed, you'll never see your mother..." she smiled. "You'll never see Edmund again."

    "Leave me alone."

    "Poor, poor Edmund. He really was quite a mess when he found out what happened to you." The Witch leaned closer, cold emanating from her ghostly body. "Do you want to see?"

    Yvaine shook her head. She closed her eyes, refusing to look. The sound of cracking ice filled her ears. Blue light flickered past her eyelids. Yvaine gave in and cracked an eye open. The Witch had created a smooth mirror-like structure. She waved a hand over its surface.

    Yvaine couldn't help it. She opened both eyes and watched. Magic shimmered within the ice that formed the looking glass. "This occurred after they were forced to retreat," Jadis whispered.

    A grassy field appeared. Yvaine could see Narnians running to and fro in the background. The sound of battle surrounded them. Peter, Susan, and Lucy came running. Peter had her sword in his grasp. Edmund and Evolet joined them, both wearing armor and clutching their weapons.

    "What happened?" Edmund demanded.

    "Our plan failed," Peter growled. "I challenged Hakan to single combat, but he ordered an attack while we were dueling."

    "What? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

    "You would have wanted to come," Susan replied. "We couldn't let you."

    "Who all knew?"

    Lucy gestured to herself, Peter and Susan. "The three of us, as well as Mr. Tumnus, General Oreius, Yvaine, and Evolet." She tilted her head towards Ev.

    Yvaine could see the frustration that simmered in Edmund's brown gaze. He shook his head and said nothing. He craned his neck, scanning the crowd of Narnians. "Where is Yvaine?" Evolet asked, finally.

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