Chapter 44

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The sun had nearly reached its highest point when they crossed the mountains into Telmar. Yvaine kept her face close to Aurum's neck as they soared above the land. Three more gryphons flew beside them. Batur and Lord Abraxas rode two of them, and the third carried Edmund, who'd elected to join them at the last minute.

So much had happened in such a short amount of time. Yvaine was struggling to wrap her mind around it all. She still couldn't believe that Hakan was dead, or that the war was no more. It felt strange to just ease. She knew Evolet had felt the same. She'd said as much before leaving for Cair Paravel, to meet with her parents.

The Telmarine army was making preparations to leave. The Narnians were helping them, partially as a show of good will and partially to make them leave sooner. "We're nearly there, your Majesty," Aurum said, interrupting her thoughts.

"I can see the city," Yvaine replied. She was still trying to get used to her new title. Many Narnians had witnessed her hasty marriage, but it hadn't seemed as real before. It still didn't seem real, even though she and Edmund had spent the night planning out a more formal wedding. Yvaine glanced towards Edmund.

As if sensing her gaze, his head turned. Edmund gave her a smirk. She simply rolled her eyes and pulled her focus back. Minutes later, they landed outside of the palace. Yvaine slid off Aurum, rather shakily. The palace grounds were silent. Already, black fabric had been draped over several windows and black flags flew from the towers.

"Word travels fast," Lord Abraxas said, noting her stare. "Come." He led the way up the steps and into the palace.

Edmund gripped Yvaine's hand and they fell in step behind him and Batur. Abraxas led them down towards the dungeon area. "How are you feeling?" Edmund whispered.

"Nervous," she admitted. "I don't know what to expect. And," Yvaine stared at the walls around them, "she was here the whole time. I've been in the palace so many times and I never knew."

"Neither did your father."

"He knew she was alive." She still hadn't quite forgiven him for keeping it a secret, although she understood his reasoning.

Abraxas made a turn just as they reached the dungeon. He led them down a corridor towards another set of stairs. They continued to go down. Yvaine narrowed her eyes warily. At last, they came to an open room at the base of the steps. Several cells lined the walls and sconces were placed in between them.

Yvaine craned her neck, trying to spot her mother. It looked like all of the cells were empty. Abraxas pushed a stone in the wall. A compartment appeared behind it and he pulled a key from its depths. He crossed the room towards one of the cells on the far side and opened it.

Batur didn't hesitate. He ran into the cell. Yvaine bit her lip. "Batur? You're here?'re not supposed to come for another 136 days. I've kept track."

Yvaine covered her mouth with a hand. The voice belonged to her mother. She would recognize it anywhere. Edmund released her other hand and she sprinted towards the cell. Batur and Liani stepped out right when she reached it.

Liani froze and stared at her. Yvaine returned her gaze. Her mother was greatly changed, but still familiar. Her peppered brown hair, once akin to Yvaine's, hung past her knees. Her skin was deathly pale from lack of sunlight. She seemed frail and Yvaine could see ridges all along her neck and spine from her prominent bones. 

"Yvaine?" Liani whispered.

Yvaine flew towards her and hugged her. Liani embraced her harder than she would've thought possible. "Mother," Yvaine sobbed at last.

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