Chapter 6

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    "You seemed upset when we bumped into each other earlier," Edmund said. They'd been walking along the beach for an hour while Edmund asked her questions. "What happened?"

    Yvaine sighed and rolled her eyes. "Queen Mira, King Hakan's wife, hosted an afternoon party. As Lord Batur's daughter, I was required to attend. The other court ladies have no respect for me or my family." She pursed her lips. "Queen Mira slighted my mother."

    "I'm sorry."

    "There's nothing that can be done about it. I can't exactly put Queen Mira in her place."

    "What about the other ladies?"

    "Nor them, either. They'd just tell her and then I'd be in some major trouble."

    "I see."

    Yvaine glanced towards the horizon. The sun was beginning to set. She wouldn't have much time to get home before dark if they stayed out any longer. "It's my turn to ask questions now. You were upset too. What happened during the meeting?"

    "Nothing I can speak of yet. I have to write to Peter, Susan and Lu, and see what they think first. Hopefully they'll answer before King Hakan makes good on his word."

    "To declare war?"

    "He insinuated more. I think he'll kill me if he doesn't get what he wants." Edmund patted the horn on his hip. "Hence why I'll be carrying this around."

    "Where did Queen Susan find a magical horn anyway?" Yvaine asked. Edmund unbuckled the horn and passed it to her. She grinned and traced the lion's head again. The horn was intriguing to her.

    "It was given to her," Edmund explained. "When we first came to Narnia, they met Father Christmas. He gave Susan the horn and a bow, that's aim was said to always be true. He gave Lucy a cordial made from the fire-flower plant. A single drop of it is enough to heal someone. It's saved my life a few times. She got a dagger too."

    "Peter was given a sword and shield. His sword has an inscription that says 'When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death. When he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.' There's more to the verse, too. 'Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight. At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more.'" Edmund ceased talking, his brow furrowed in thought.

    "And what did you get?" Yvaine prompted. He bit his lip, not replying. "What's Cair Paravel like?" She asked shortly.

    Edmund smiled at that. "It's beautiful. I've told you it's on a peninsula overlooking the sea. The walls are made of ivory stone. There's dozens of gardens and it's always busy."

    "What's your favorite room in the palace?"

    He thought for a moment. "The Great Hall, or throne room, I suppose. It has an arched ceiling made of glass, supported by several pillars. Windows line the walls. The four thrones are on a dais at the end of the Hall."

    They paused and turned around, heading back towards the horses. The tide was coming in, washing over their footprints. Yvaine relished the cool water lapping over her bare feet. She lifted her skirt a bit, watching the sand swirl in the water.

    "I've heard there was a prophecy or something about the thrones. Do you know what it was?" She asked.

    "It was about us," Edmund replied. "My siblings and I, I mean. Mr. Beaver told us about it when we came to Narnia. 'When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone, sits at Cair Paravel in throne, the evil times will be over and done.' More specifically, the prophecy mentioned that there would be two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve, although it's not in that particular verse."

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