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My dearest Edmund,

I had hoped to see you again someday, but now I fear it won't be so. I'll leave this letter for you, in hopes that you'll someday recover it. I've been brave, or as brave as I can be. It's been hard, but I have done it.

Eirene is shaping up to be a wonderful queen. She loves her people very much, and she's become just as curious as I and my mother before me. Her favorite stories are of you and her aunts and uncle. She loves you very much and wishes she could remember you. I have assured her time and again that you loved her more than is imaginable. You were wrong, though. She looks more like you, than me. She has your hair and your eyes, although her facial features are more like mine.

Many of our friends have passed on from this life. It's been hard to see them go, but I think I'll join them soon. My days are numbered now. Aslan's country will not wait for me long. I have lived a good life. I hope Narnia will remain strong and grow stronger still after I am gone. I hope that someday, I will see you there again.

There is so much I wish I could say, but paper can hardly do my stories justice. I will hold them in my heart until I can tell them to you myself. Just know that I have loved you always and that my life was made all the better the day you walked into it.

Your loving wife,

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