Chapter 26

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It was later in the afternoon, the next day, when they finally came within sight of Cair Paravel. Yvaine finished folding up her clothes and slung her satchel over her shoulder. She joined Lucy and Susan on the prow of the ship quickly. The shore was fast approaching.

Already, Yvaine could make out the shapes of people waiting for them. "Are you glad to be back?" Lucy asked.

"A bit. It'll be nice to put my feet on solid ground and sleep in a bed that doesn't sway," Yvaine admitted.

"You may feel a little woozy, this first night back on land," Susan said.

"Maybe, but I suppose I'll survive."

A few minutes past and the Splendour Hyaline weighed anchor along the long dock. A Minotaur tossed down the boarding ramp while the ship was being secured. Susan was the first one off. Yvaine and Lucy followed her, along with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. Gradually, the rest of the crew filed off as well.

Evolet wrapped Yvaine in a hug as soon as she saw her. Ev pulled away with a grimace after a second. "Well, you certainly smell like sun and seaweed."

Yvaine laughed at that. "I'll let you choose my bath soaps then."

"With pleasure. I'm thinking of a mixture of citrus and pomegranate."

Yvaine arched an eyebrow. "Nothing too exotic."

They broke off talking as Nutmeg galloped towards them. "You're finally back!" She neighed.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you missed me." Yvaine smirked.

Nutmeg shook her mane and snorted. "Of course not. I've just gotten used to carrying you around. I felt lazy, just trotting around the castle grounds all day."

"There was nothing stopping you from leaving," Evolet pointed out.

"They might've gotten back early." Nutmeg stamped a hoof against the wooden dock.

"By Jove, what'd you do to the ship, Ed?" Peter exclaimed suddenly. Yvaine half turned, watching Edmund disembark.

"Sea monster," Edmund replied shortly. "I'm pretty certain it was our old friend."

"You certainly attract strange company." Peter shook his head. "Come on. There's a few things I need to talk to you about."

Nutmeg shifted to the side as Philip came walking past. Edmund shook his head. "Not right now. I will when I get back."

"Where are you going?" Peter raised an eyebrow.

Edmund swung onto Philip's back. "Yvaine," he called.

"Yes?" She took a hesitant step forward. Edmund jerked his head towards Nutmeg. Yvaine caught on and mounted her quickly. "I'll expect that bath when I get back?"

"It'll be hot and bubbly," Evolet promised.

Nutmeg took off, keeping pace with Philip. "Where are we going?" Yvaine asked.

"You'll see. We don't have to go far, thankfully."

"So you fought another sea monster again, your Majesty?" Nutmeg snorted, amused.

"They have a habit of finding me," Edmund replied with a sheepish grin. "We did our best."

"He was unconscious and in the serpent's mouth half of the time," Yvaine whispered, leaning down towards Nutmeg's ear.

"That's impressive," Nutmeg whinnied. Philip let out a horse's laugh as well.

"It seems there's a story to be told," Philip said with a prompting tone.

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