Chapter 47

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Yvaine startled awake. She didn't know how long she'd slept. Evolet was standing beside her bed, a fearful look in her eyes. "Is it Eirene?" Yvaine gasped, instantly awake.

Ev shook her head and held Eirene towards her. Yvaine took her, relieved. "It's...all  of them."

"What do you mean?"

"Edmund, Peter, Susan, and Lucy. They haven't come back. Mr. Tumnus sent centaurs out to find them and the trees have been searching, but they're gone. Their horses were brought back but they don't know anything either."

"Here. Take Eirene again. I'm going to go see what's happening." Yvaine slipped out of bed and made sure Evolet had a firm hold on Eirene, before dashing from the room.

She didn't care that she was in her nightclothes, or that her hair was mussed from sleep. Yvaine ran out of the castle and down the stairs. Mr. Tumnus and the horses were gathered at the base of the stairs.

"What's going on?" Yvaine demanded.

"Your Majesty, I don't really know," Mr. Tumnus stammered.

Yvaine turned to Philip. "Tell me what you know."

"We went to a clearing in the Western Woods. There was a strange metal tree there," Philip began. "The Kings and Queens seemed to recognize it and they went to investigate. The next thing we knew, they had disappeared."

The lamppost, Yvaine realized. "Did you check the woods beyond the clearing?"

"Yes." Philip stomped a hoof. "The trees searched too. They're nowhere."

Yvaine's gaze fell on Susan and Peter's horses. Susan's horn hung from her saddle and Peter had left his sword behind. That's odd. She crossed over to them and lifted the two items from the saddles. Lucy left her dagger and cordial in her room. I think Susan left her bow and quiver in hers as well.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" Mr. Tumnus asked. "What if they've been killed?"

Yvaine swallowed, her eyes burning. "They haven't been. We would've found their bodies. I think..." she broke off, trying to process the realization she'd had. "I think they've returned to their own land, the one they originally came from" she said finally.

"But they'd never leave Narnia!" Philip protested.

"No, they wouldn't, but maybe they didn't know they were leaving. Maybe it happened before they realized it."

"We have to go after them," Mr. Tumnus replied.

"No." They all started at the unexpected voice. Aslan padded across the grounds towards them. "You won't be able to follow them. Queen Yvaine is right. They've returned to their own land, although not by choice."

"What will we do?" Philip asked.

Aslan blinked his amber eyes at Yvaine. She drew in a steadying breath. "We will remember them and continue in the paths they made. I won't let Narnia fall just because they're no longer here. We'll have to make an announcement and let everyone know what has happened."

Everyone began to nod slowly, although their expressions remained grim and sorrowful. The group dispersed finally, leaving Yvaine to stand with Aslan. He stepped closer and she fell to her knees, burying her face in his mane. She couldn't keep her tears from falling.

"I know you warned me, but why so soon?" She sobbed. "Eirene is only a few days old! She'll never know Edmund!"

"She will know and love him from the stories you will tell her," he said.

"It's not the same."

"I know, dear one. It will be difficult for you to accept this. Do not fear. Their memories of this world will not fade unless they choose to make it."

"Will they ever come back?"

Aslan hesitated before answering. "Maybe someday."

Yvaine clung to him a few moments longer, then pulled away and wiped her eyes. "Then I'll make sure their gifts are waiting for them." She pulled Peter's sword and Susan's horn into her grasp. Aslan followed her into the palace.

Yvaine passed through Lucy and Susan's rooms to collect their remaining gifts. Finally, she made her way down to their secret treasure room. Their four chests were as they had always been. Yvaine went to each of them and placed the gifts inside.

"Hopefully they'll stay safe here," she whispered. Aslan merely blinked.

Yvaine went back up the stairs and to her and Edmund's room. Evolet sat in a rocking chair, holding Eirene. She took one look at Yvaine's face and straightened. "What's wrong?"

Yvaine fell onto Edmund's side of the bed and buried her face in his pillow. His scent clung to it. She breathed in deeply, then rolled over and quickly explained everything to Evolet.

She sat up and took Eirene. Yvaine couldn't keep a few tears from falling. Eirene blinked her eyes open and cooed softly. "What will you do?" Ev whispered.

Yvaine kissed Eirene's forehead softly. "I will do what I have to. I'm a Queen of Narnia. Right now, I'm their only queen. I'll do what I can to protect Narnia and help it grow, just as they did." She sighed.

Ev climbed onto the bed beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'll help you however I can. Everyone will."

"I know."

Hours later, Yvaine found herself alone in her room. Eirene lay asleep in her cradle. Yvaine stood and wiped her eyes. She'd been crying for the past several hours. She leaned over the cradle, making sure Eirene was asleep, before cutting a small lock of her hair.

Yvaine tucked it into a handkerchief, along with a lock of her own hair that had been tied with a ribbon. She folded the handkerchief and started back down towards the treasure room.

When she arrived, she went straight to Edmund's chest. Yvaine hefted the lid off it and slid the handkerchief inside, placing it somewhere in plain sight. She stared at a few of his things for a good while. She'd have to go through all of their rooms in the coming days. Their things couldn't just lay around.

Yvaine sighed and closed the chest again. "Wherever you are, I hope you know I love you," she murmured. "Eirene will always know and love you. I'll make sure of it. Narnia will prosper. I will keep it safe. You told me I would be brave enough to face the future, and I will. I promise." Yvaine lifted her gaze at last, letting resolution wash over her.

The coming days would be hard, but she would overcome them. She had to, for her sake, for Eirene's, and for Narnia's. She was Queen Yvaine Pevensie, and she would be brave.

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