Chapter 46

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Three Years Later...

Yvaine lounged in a seat before a cracking fire. Autumn had come to Narnia, bringing with it cold evening weather. The library had proven to be the warmest room in the palace to her, so she'd taken to spending a lot of time there.

Evolet sat in a chair across from hers, reading a book. Yvaine had been reading as well, but had lost interest. She'd been feeling a little unusual throughout the day. The library door opened and the four Pevensie siblings traipsed in.

Ev glanced up, then went back to reading. Susan and Lucy were talking rapidly. Yvaine could hardly keep up with what they were saying. "How was the meeting?" Yvaine asked.

"Boring as usual," Edmund replied. He crossed the room and kissed her cheek, then rested his hand atop her large rounded stomach. "How's the little one?"

"Active." Yvaine smiled a bit.

"The governor of the Lone Isles says there's been a significant decrease in slaver activity," Peter said.

"That's great."

"That's not all he said," Lucy snickered. "He asked for Susan's hand in marriage."

Evolet perked up at that. "Really? I wondered if he'd be brave enough to do that."

"Ugh." Susan shuddered. "I gave him my answer very quickly."

"You broke the poor man's heart," Lucy elbowed her.

Yvaine leaned her head back against the chair. A cramping pain spiked through her abdomen, then faded. It had been that way for most of the day, it had seemed. The pain had grown steadily worse and seemed to be coming more frequently. "Ev, is your mother around?" She was beginning to think it was time for an explanation.

"She's in the kitchen," Evolet replied. "Your mother is there too."

Yvaine nodded and stood wearily. She left the library and quickly headed towards the kitchen. Evolet's mother had chosen to place herself as one of the palace chefs. Liani simply came to visit each month. Batur sometimes accompanied her, but not as often as Yvaine would've liked.

Footsteps sounded in the hallway behind her. Edmund braced a hand on her back and fell in step with her. "Are you all right?"

"I think so." She furrowed her brows as the pain came again. "Although I'm starting to think the baby wants to meet us."

His eyes flew wide in surprise. "Are you sure?"

Yvaine gave him half a glare. "I'm pretty sure, hence why I want to see Davina and my mother." She paused and drew in a few shaky breaths, gritting her teeth against the pain.

"Maybe I should just take you to our room and we'll have someone else go get them?" Edmund suggested.

Yvaine squeezed her eyes shut. "That might be best."

She gripped his hand tightly as they turned and started towards a staircase. They passed the library again and Evolet, Susan, and Lucy stepped out. "Are you all right?" Lucy called.

"Go get Davina and Liani," Edmund replied. Lucy didn't hesitate. She went flying down the hall and disappeared from sight.

Evolet and Susan joined them on the stairs. Ev grabbed Yaine's other hand, while Susan hurried on ahead. They reached the room finally. Lucy, Davina, and Liani weren't far behind. Susan and Lucy left after a moment.

Evolet and Liani set to work making Yvaine as comfortable as possible. It wasn't much. The pain was definitely worse now. Yvaine forced herself to stop gritting her teeth. Sweat beaded across her forehead.

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