Chapter 32

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    King Hakan had wasted no time in dragging them down to the Council's chambers, after taking their weapons and Lucy's cordial. All of the lords were there already. Batur had arrived in time to see them be led in. King Hakan seated himself on his throne and had Edmund and Yvaine pushed onto their knees before him. Queen Mira took place beside Hakan. None of the other ladies were present.

    "Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this?" Lord Galern asked.

    "Yvaine?" Batur took a step forward, but guards blocked his path.

    "I'm afraid that I've discovered a traitor amongst us," King Hakan said. He pointed to Yvaine. "She is a spy for the Narnians, as I said she was."

    "Where is your proof?" Lord Galern crossed his arms. Yvaine felt a rush of gratitude for him.

    "When you find the daughter of a Telmarine lord and a Narnian king slinking around the servants passages, one can easily guess the motive," King Hakan replied. "Yvaine has been stealing information and feeding it to the Narnians."

    "That's absurd!" Batur exclaimed, feigning shock.

    "Yvaine isn't smart enough to get away with something like that," Javaid scoffed.

    An idea came to her, suddenly. Yvaine met Hakan's gaze and glared defiantly. "No, it's true. I have helped the Narnians find out what is going on, but not for the reasons you think. King Hakan never wanted to make the treaty work. He's been planning for war this entire time! His army moves to the foothills of the mountains. In only a matter of days, he'll attack Narnia. He's already killed Narnian troops. He tried to have King Edmund assassinated tonight!"

    The lords all watched her. She could feel their gazes, even though she couldn't see them. Hakan was seething with rage, but Yvaine continued. "I ask you, was any of this planned with the knowledge of the Council? I will admit what I've done and I will accept the consequences, but I will not apologize for finding the truth."

    "This was not done with the authorization of the Council," Lord Galern replied, finally. "Is it true?"

    "Of course not. The girl is a liar," Hakan's voice was dangerously quiet.

    "She isn't," Batur protested. "She would never lie."

    "And yet she confesses to treason," Lord Altair sneered.

    "Hakan, the Council demands an explanation," Batur shouted.

    "Very well." King Hakan glared at Yvaine again, but faced the Council. "We are a growing country and need more land. Narnia's numbers are much smaller than our own. I asked time and again if they would hand over some of their lands, but they will not. I will do what's best for Telmar and that is declaring war and taking more land by force."

    The lords began to whisper amongst themselves. Hakan stooped down and grabbed Yvaine's chin. He forced her to meet his gaze. "Get your hands off her!" Edmund growled.

    "Your mother made the same stupid mistakes as you. You should be on my side, not theirs." Hakan jerked his head towards Edmund. "Now, you'll share their fate."

    "King Hakan, we do not approve this declaration of war," Lord Galern said.

    "Unfortunately, the order has already been given. The majority of the Council is on my side. Only those excluded for our more private meetings were left unaware," Hakan smirked. "To officialize this war, I have ordered King Edmund and Yvaine Shula's executions."

    "You can't!" Batur protested.

    "Oh but I can. Unless you'd like to join them, you will remain right there."

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