Chapter 2

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    It was three days before the Narnian king arrived and four days after that before Yvaine had a chance to see him. Her father had been at the palace since King Edmund had arrived. He occasionally sent her a note, explaining what was going on. It did little to settle her restless spirit. She wanted to see the King for herself.

    Yvaine was bent over her notebook, rereading her questions and adding more. Occasionally, she scribbled a tiny note in one corner, further explaining her question or adding an additional question to the original. She started as someone knocked on the door. Evolet poked her head into the room. Yvaine waved her in.

    "This just arrived," Evolet explained. She held out a letter.

    Yvaine took it and flipped it over. Her eyes widened, spying King Hakan's signet on the wax seal. She hastily broke the seal and skimmed the letter. At last, she read it aloud.

You are cordially invited to attend a ball in honor of His Majesty, King Edmund of Narnia. Festivities will commence in a day's time. Please arrive at the palace by sunset and have the invitation on hand.

~ His Majesty, King Hakan of Telmar

Additional Note:

Evolet may attend ~ Lord Batur Shula

    Evolet grabbed the letter and read it for herself. "I don't believe it. We're going to a ball!"

    Yvaine chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "You suspected we would though. You ordered those two gowns for us."

    "Well, yes, I suspected, but now it's confirmed! This is your chance to meet King Edmund."

    "I know." Yvaine bit her lip excitedly. "I hope there will be time. There's so many things to ask him."

    "So you've mentioned." Evolet glanced at the invitation again. "Wait a moment. It's dated to yesterday! The ball is tonight!" She set it down on the vanity and pulled Yvaine to her feet. "Sunset will be here in a few hours and it takes some time to get to the palace. We have to get ready now!"

    Yvaine didn't get a chance to protest. Evolet twisted her around and began to undo the laces on her gown. She shrugged out of the dress herself while Ev fetched her ball gown. It was hastily tugged over her head and laced up. Evolet set to work on her hair, next. Yvaine flipped her notebook open and quickly reviewed a few questions.

    She was grateful for her foresight, and for remembering her mother's words. She'd chosen which questions to ask first a few days ago and had been reviewing them ever since. She grimaced as Ev tugged at her hair.

    At last, Evolet stepped back. Yvaine took a second to look over herself while Evolet retrieved her own gown. Yvaine smiled softly. Her long hair was partially done up. It had been braided into a crown, leaving the rest of it to hang loose down her back. Her gown was an olive green, beautifully complimenting her sunkissed skin tone. It matched the hazel of her eyes, as well.

    Evolet returned after a few minutes, in her own dark purple dress. She held a few fresh rose blossoms in one hand. Ev quickly wove them into the braided crown. "There. Hopefully you'll catch King Edmund's eye now," she giggled.

    Yvaine flushed in embarrassment and waved the comment off. "Perhaps for a dance. That'd give me the perfect opportunity."

    "You're right. It would. While you're busy chatting off the King's ear, I'll be busy admiring Lord Javaid."

    Yvaine grabbed the invitation off her vanity before Evolet ushered her down the stairs. A carriage had been called and was waiting in front of the manor when they stepped out. They jumped in quickly and started for the castle. Already, the sun was sinking low in the sky.

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