Chapter 28

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Yvaine blinked her eyes open, momentarily disoriented. She'd almost fallen asleep and that would not have ended well. She likely would've fallen off the back of her mount. Aurum looked back at her. The golden gryphon had set a fast pace when they left Cair Paravel the night before. Two other gryphons flew alongside them, one carrying Edmund and the other carrying Evolet.

"Are you doing all right?" Aurum asked.

"Yes, I'm just feeling tired."

"Well, don't fall asleep. I may be able to catch you, but I don't know for certain," she replied.

"How long until we get there?"

"Not long." Aurum squinted towards the mountains. "It will be just after sunrise. We've made good time."

"I'll say. It took three days for us to get to Cair Paravel by horseback and boats."

"We've been traveling on the air currents," Aurum explained. "They carry us along much faster than water or horses can."

"Apparently so." Yvaine glanced towards Evolet. She was looking tired too, but was hanging on to her mount tightly. It took all of Yvaine's focus not to rest her head against Aurum's neck. She knew that if she did, sleep would come quickly.

Gradually, the sun rose and bathed the land in a pink hue. The mountains were below them now. They would continue on to the capital city once they had crossed the mountains. Yvaine watched the landscape ahead and drew in a deep breath.

We're back, she sighed to herself. Why do I miss Narnia so much when Telmar is all I've ever known? She checked her belts, making sure they were still tightly buckled. Lucy's cordial clinked every now and then, when it bumped against the hilt of Yvaine's dagger. I'll tell Father about Edmund and I as soon as I get the chance, Yvaine thought. He'll need to know.

Another fifteen minutes passed. The land continued to speed by below them. Aurum appeared to be flagging now. Her beak hung open, drawing in deep breaths as they flew. At last, the towers of the palace loomed ahead.

"My father's manor is that way," Yvaine pointed it out. "Take us there first. You'll be safe and able to rest there before you leave."

"Thank you." Aurum gave her a grateful smile.

Yvaine smiled back. I still don't know which is stranger. A gryphon's smile or a horse's smile. Then again, they look strange on the other animals too.

They landed, finally. Yvaine slid off Aurum's back, nearly ready to collapse herself. A stable boy ran to greet them. "Lady Shula, you're back!" He exclaimed. "Your father is at the palace, but I'll send a messenger for him right away."

"Thank you. Can you have some water drawn for the gryphons and fetch them anything they'd like to eat?" Yvaine asked. "And let them rest a while. Make sure they won't be disturbed. They'll leave whenever they're ready."

"Of course, my Lady."

Aurum glanced at Yvaine warily. "Don't worry. You can trust Nakoa. He's an honest boy."

Aurum nodded and followed him into the stables. The other two gryphons weren't far behind. Evolet was already heading into the house. Yvaine quickly joined her. Edmund fell in step behind them. They wasted no time in getting to Yvaine's room.

Yvaine and Evolet set to work unpacking their things. "I suppose you'll be taken to the palace whenever my father gets here," Yvaine said to Edmund.

"I'm sure. I'm eager to see what Hakan wants." Edmund crossed his arms.

"It can't be anything good," Evolet scoffed. "Yvaine, I'm going to bed if you don't mind."

"Go ahead." Evolet ducked out of the room quickly. Yvaine opened her closet and hung up her clothes and cloak. She pulled out a gown as well. I suppose I'll be needing this. Edmund covered his mouth with a hand, hiding a yawn. "You can sleep if you want." She jerked her head towards her bed. "I'm staying up until my father gets here."

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