Chapter 13

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Yvaine rolled over, trying to fall asleep. She had tried and failed for two hours already. It wasn't that the ground was hard or that the air was cold. In fact, the grass beneath her cloak was soft and the night air was warmer than expected, although she still had to wear her thicker dress. It was excitement keeping her awake.

They had been traveling through the mountains for two days. Oreius had kept her entertained with stories about Aslan, battles, and many folktales. She hadn't spoken with Edmund much. He'd kept close to Mr. Tumnus the whole way, always locked in conversation.

Yvaine rolled over again. Come daylight, they would leave the mountains and be in Narnia. By sunset, she would be at Cair Paravel. Excitement coursed through her. She sat up, finally, and looked around. Everyone was sleeping, save the two fauns who had volunteered to stand watch.

They nodded to her as she stood and walked a short distance away from the camp. Yvaine soon found herself on a small outcropping. The wind blew cold over it. I wish I would've brought my cloak along, she thought. Oh, well. She sat down and drew her knees towards her chest.

Small lights twinkled from the woods below. She assumed they were fires of some kind. There were very few Narnian towns, only small settlements, with four to five families occupying them, so it couldn't be those lights. She stiffened and dropped a hand to her dagger, hearing someone approach.

Edmund stepped into view. His dark eyes shimmered with amusement in the moonlight. "Are you planning on murdering me?" He gestured towards the dagger in her hand.

Yvaine grimaced and slid it back into its sheath. "Hardly. If I wanted to do that, I'd just push you off this ledge and everyone would call it an accident."

He sat down and chuckled. "Remind me not to get on your bad side."


"Are you all right?"

She glanced at him curiously. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"I heard you tossing about and saw you leave."

"Oh, that. I thought everyone was asleep. I'm fine, just excited. I usually have a hard time sleeping when I'm excited." She brushed her hair over her shoulder, letting the cool breeze blow through it.

"Ah, I understand that. Lucy is the same way. I am too, sometimes."

Yvaine bit her lip, thinking. I should tell him now. I might not get another chance once we reach Cair Paravel. She drew in a deep breath and released it. "There's something I need to tell you."

"All right?" It was his turn to look curious.

"I hope you won't think any less of me for this, but I'll understand if things have to change. You see...I, well..." She rubbed her forehead, trying to collect her thoughts.

"King Hakan asked you to spy on us?" Edmund guessed.

"Yes," she sighed.

"What did he say?"

"Initially, he wanted me to report on everything that I learned from you and your siblings. I convinced him that I would learn nothing the first time, so he doesn't expect anything this time. However, he does want weekly reports on our progress in regards to the treaty." She closed her eyes, trying to remember their conversations. "He threatened my father and Evolet's family. He said if I revealed anything to any of you, he'd kill them."

"I see." Edmund rested his chin in his palm, thinking. "I asked you before if you plan to betray me."

"My answer hasn't changed. I don't want to endanger Narnia or Telmar, but I also can't risk my father and Evolet's family."

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