Chapter 23

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    "How long can you last, Lady Shula?" The faun, Orion, laughed as his blade clanged against Yvaine's.

    She grinned and ducked beneath his next blow. "As long as it takes to beat you."

    "You beat me yesterday and the day before. Can't I have a fighting chance?" He leaped over her swipe at his legs and landed with a click of his hooves.

    Over the past three days, dueling had become a part of the ship's routine. Every afternoon, members of the crew liked to pair themselves against Yvaine, Lucy, Susan, and Edmund. Most of them chose to duel Yvaine and Edmund. There was a lot of betting and many crewmates had lost their earnings, but gained it back after another match.

    Yvaine twisted around Orion and yanked on one of his curled horns. He snorted with amusement and crossed their blades again. With a flick of his wrist, he disarmed Yvaine. She raised her hands and stepped back.

    "I went easy on you," she teased.

    "Or maybe I've been practicing." He handed the sword back to her. Everyone began exchanging their won and lost bets. Soon enough, the dueling would start again.

    Yvaine moved to the side and leaned against the rail beside Lucy. Mrs. Beaver was there as well. "Good job, my dear!" Mrs. Beaver clapped. "You are a very talented swordsman."

    "That's why they all want to duel you," Lucy laughed. "It's a chance to prove their own skills."

    "Oh, goodness!" Mrs. Beaver exclaimed suddenly. "Is that Beaver? Beaver, you are not going to join that dueling! You know you'll get your tail stuck through again!" She waddled off in a hurry to stop her husband.

    "Everyone, to your stations!" Captain Govoflog, the red bearded dwarf, shouted.

    Yvaine looked to the horizon. She gasped and gripped the railing. "The Islands!"

    "We're here," Lucy exclaimed. "Come on." She grabbed Yvaine's hand and pulled her to the prow of the ship.

    Susan was already there, calling orders to the crew. Yvaine didn't really understand what she was telling them to do. She spotted Edmund back at the helm with the Captain. Yvaine turned her focus to the approaching shoreline.

    Stone buildings rose from Narrowhaven. Bells tolled and ships floated all around. "Will we go all the way to the port?" Yvaine asked.

    Lucy shook her head. "The water is shallow. We'll take rowboats to the docks." Her gaze darkened, suddenly, taking Yvaine by surprise. Lucy never looked wary or suspicious. "Stick close to us when we get on land and make sure your sword is within reach."

    "The rumors are true then? There are really slavers here?"

    "Unfortunately, yes. We've tried to get it under control and the current governor arrests them as he catches them, but we can't stop them all. It's better to be safe than sorry. Everyone here knows who Edmund, Susan, and I are but they might just think you're a servant and slavers won't hesitate to take you if they get the chance."

    "I'll keep my senses about me, then," Yvaine promised.

    "Lucy! Yvaine!" Edmund shouted from across the deck.

    They joined him quickly, as the crew began to lower one of the rowboats. "Are we anchoring here?" Lucy asked.

    "Yes, and Susan is staying with the ship. We'll only take a few people with us. I don't plan on staying long. A few hours at least, so the crew has time to resupply and we can talk to the Governor."

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