Chapter 34

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By the next afternoon, Yvaine was feeling almost like herself. She finished changing into a set of silver armor and chainmail, and braided her hair into a bun at the base of her neck. The Narnian sword she'd used was still in her rooms, so she buckled it onto her belt beside her Telmarine sword. She made sure that her dagger was on the belt as well.

Yvaine drew in a steadying breath. I've never had to fight in a battle before. I don't know if I can do this. She shook her head after a moment. I have to. I can't do nothing. I'll be mindful of what I see. Maybe I can find a way to stop this before it progresses.

There was a knock on the door and Evolet poked her head into the room. "Are you ready? Susan and Lucy think we should go now."

"Yeah." Yvaine joined her in the hallway and they started down the stairs. "What will your parents be doing?"

"They're staying here. They're rather reluctant to let me do this," Ev replied.

"I can't blame them. Father would be having a fit right now."

"Yes, he would." Evolet narrowed her eyes. "Do you think King Hakan will bring him with?"

"I'm sure he will. Hakan will probably try to use Father against us somehow." She sighed. "I wish he would've listened to me and came with."

Evolet rested a hand on her shoulder. "He'll be all right."

They left the castle and headed towards the stables. Their horses were already waiting. Susan and Lucy had already mounted. Evolet quickly jumped onto Captain. Yvaine raised an eyebrow, spying the saddle on Nutmeg's back.

Nutmeg shook her mane and snorted. "We're going into battle. I don't want your heels digging into my sides while you try to hang on and not get yourself killed. I figured a saddle wouldn't hurt this once."

"Thank you for the consideration," Yvaine chuckled. She mounted and the four of them broke into a gallop, headed towards the Dancing Lawns.

"Are you feeling better?" Lucy called, bringing her horse alongside Yvaine and Nutmeg.

"Much," Yvaine replied.

"Good. I shouldn't have to drag you off somewhere then," Lucy laughed. "Susan and I worked out a more detailed plan. I'll fill you in on our part when we reach the Lawn." Yvaine nodded.

They rode on until the Dancing Lawns appeared. A host of creatures were waiting already. Susan and Evolet moved over to the gryphons and archers. The rest of their warriors clustered around Yvaine and Lucy.

"What's the plan, your Majesty?" A faun shouted.

"Word arrived this morning. The battle is already underway. My brothers are holding their forces at the Witch's camp. As soon as the Telmarine's group of reinforcements arrive, Susan and Evolet will lead in the archers," Lucy began. "They'll do overhead passes and take down as many of the newcomers as they can. As soon as they're clear, we will move in from two sides. Yvaine will lead half of you in from the south. I will take the rest of you and we will go around and attack from the north side."

"Your Majesty," it was a dwarf speaking now. "Can we, and I mean no disrespect to you," he looked to Yvaine, "can we trust a Telmarine to lead us into battle against Telmarines?"

Lucy said nothing, but gave Yvaine a prompting look. "You can trust me," Yvaine said. "I have no desire to see either Telmar or Narnia destroyed."

"Divide yourselves as evenly as possible," Lucy ordered. "We must move into position soon."

The creatures scurried to obey. Fauns, dwarves, and centaurs started forming two groups. Cheetahs, tigers, and lions did the same. There were even more creatures, but Yvaine didn't know what all they were. There were too many Talking Beasts to count, besides the great cats.

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