Chapter 30

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    Yvaine's skin and scalp felt raw by the time the maids pulled her out of a bath. She was hastily stuffed into a golden dress that was entirely too tight and very heavy. The maids fluffed her hair and pinned a few locks up with diamond studded pins.

    She'd never felt more like a present or an accessory. It was a struggle to keep from pulling the pins out of her hair and run out of the manor. At last, the maids were satisfied and left her alone. Yvaine glanced out the window. It was dark already.

    There was a knock at the door shortly. Lord Javaid pushed it open without waiting for an invitation. He looked her over and grimaced. "You cut your hair. You're never to alter your appearance without my permission. Let's go." He grabbed her arm and made her take his.

    Together, they headed towards the manor's ballroom. "Are there any more ridiculous rules that I must follow? Ones more relevant to this ball?" Yvaine asked.

    "Yes, actually. You are to be at my side for the entire evening. Only speak when addressed. Don't do anything to upset or embarrass me, my mother, or any of the other guests. Oh, and King Edmund will be present. Don't interact with him at all."

    Yvaine almost gave a sigh of relief hearing that. They reached the ballroom and the doors flew open. "Lord Javaid Otsana and Lady Yvaine Shula!" The herald announced.

    Yvaine's gaze swept over the ballroom, quickly spotting Edmund. He was standing near Evolet and Batur. Javaid clicked his tongue, suddenly, and scowled at her. She brought her gaze down to the floor. Javaid led her to a large table and they sat down.

    Food was hastily served and everyone began eating. Yvaine could hardly, but she made herself take a few bites. She hadn't eaten anything since they'd returned to Telmar and it was beginning to catch up to her.

    Javaid poured her a glass of wine. She chose to ignore it and drank water instead. King Hakan and Queen Mira were seated at another table close by, along with Edmund, Batur, and Evolet. King Hakan watched her intensely. Edmund didn't look at her.

    The night began to pass in a blur as the eating gave way to dancing. The minstrels played loud and spunky songs. The fauns played much better than this, Yvaine thought. Once more, she longed to be back in Narnia. She hadn't realized how much she would actually miss it.

    Javaid stood, suddenly, and took her hand. "Come, my dear. It wouldn't be right for us not to share one dance."

    She drew in as deep a breath as she could and let him lead her onto the dance floor. Javaid wrapped a hand around her waist and they began to dance. His cheeks were flushed and his steps were somewhat clumsy. It was obvious that he'd refilled his wine glass more than once.

    That could work to my advantage, Yvaine thought. If I can get him alone later, maybe I can learn something useful.

    They continued to dance. "Your skills have improved greatly. It's nice to see that my wife has some skills," Javaid said.

    Yvaine narrowed her eyes. "I'm not your wife yet." She stomped on his foot and he yelped in pain. "A little payback for the pigs," she hissed.

    "Sneaky girl. You'll be my wife soon enough." Javaid tugged her closer to him. She tilted her face away from his and searched the crowd for Edmund. There was no sign of him. She caught Evolet's eye instead. Ev jerked her head towards a staircase.

    "Then you'd better save your flirtations for later, when we're alone." Yvaine shrugged out of his grasp. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to break a rule and leave. I don't feel very well."

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