000 | 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆

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NCT 2020
( 𝒒. 𝒌𝒖𝒏, 𝒋. 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒍 )

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Dropping the knife that's filled with blood, the hazel haired male looked down as he slowly raised both his blood painted arms. His bangs covering his dark eyes as well as his little smirk that's planted on his handsome face.

He let the cops take his arms and handcuffed it, feeling them push him inside the car. What's the use of running away from the cops anyways?

At least he get to see and taste blood. That's all that matters.

The blood started to dry off of his hands as they drove away from the crime scene - assumingly straight to the police station.

They arrived in no time and he felt the cops push him out of the car, to the inside of the police station. As the blood dried off his fingers and face, he started to crave more and is about to knock out the cop that's holding him when he is suddenly pinned on a chair - tying him with ropes so he couldn't do anything.

A few minutes passed as the cops and a doctor discussed a few things. It seems like he's in the chair forever - and he didn't want that. He wants to drink blood. He needs to drink blood.

"He's diagnosed with clinical vampirism." The doctor softly says, enough for him to hear.

"What's that?" Another cop asked.

"It's a mental disorder that craves for blood. He is probably affected in his past. He needs treatment immediately."

"Okay then. Bring him to the mental asylum and lock him in one room."

"Shouldn't he be in jail for murdering people?"

"If we put him in jail, he might end up beating the shit out of the other prisoners just to taste blood. Damn it, use your brain sometimes."

The sane part of him was relieved that he is not going to jail - at least mental asylums are much more comfortable than in jail... right?

"Jung Sungchan."

The hazel haired male looked up and made eye contact with the doctor that's now crouching in front of him. The doctor pushed away his bangs that is covering his eyes and took wipes from his pocket and wiped his blood stained cheeks and mouth.

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