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It was finally summer and from what my parents had told me they said we would only be home for a couple of days then go spend time with their friend. While I was home my parents spent time doing their things so I was often in my room drooping around. 

When it was time to go to my parents told me to pack as we would be staying over there for a while, I packed the best clothes I could possibly find and made my way to my parents. When we arrived I wasn't very impressed with the quality of the home as my parents only meddled with wealthy people. 

All I knew was that being here would be no different than being at home. I'd stay in my room while my parents go off and do their thing. When we knocked on the door we waited a bit until someone opened the door, when I saw who it was my eyes widened. 

I didn't know what to say and wanted to leave as soon as possible but tried to not make it obvious, we walked in and I saw Mrs. and  Mr. Malfoy standing waiting for us. I watched my parents greet them and noticed Malfoy staring at me. I greeted both Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy to not seem rude. 

"Draco honey why don't you show y/n to her room," Mrs.Malfoy said to Draco. "Will do mother," I heard him say. He looked at me with a smirk and walked off, I followed. 

"Well, I thought I wouldn't see you again until school started," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes thinking of how I had to be under the same roof as him, although seeing him again made me think of how he had kissed my cheek previously when I was in the hospital wing. I couldn't help but end up with a red tint on my cheeks. 

"You'll be staying here, My room is right across from yours, if you need anything," he said. I nodded and watched him leave. 

Crazy to think I had to be here, My birthday was coming up soon and I just hoped we would be back home. I spent days in my room all the time, and there were days where I would only come down for dinner then go back into my room. My parents obviously didn't notice, the only one who would notice was Draco. 

Over the days Draco would come to my room on days where I'd only go out for dinner, I'd tell him to leave but he would insist on staying. My parents called for me only to tell me we would be spending more time here than expected. 

"But my birthday, It's two days from now I expected to be back home by now," I said. They looked at me and said, "Don't be ridiculous, we are staying here and that's final, this is more important than a birthday, You will have another one next year and the year after that." 

I walked back into my room and with a disappointed look on my face. "What's wrong," I heard Draco say. 

"I'm staying here longer and wanted to be home for my birthday but it seems that I'm the only one that cares," I said. "When is your birthday," He asked. "In two days," I said. 

He looked at me with a shocked face. "What?" I asked. 

"My birthday is in two days as well," He said. I looked at him shocked at the realization that we shared a birthday and didn't know it. "We can share the day, spend it together, my parents will most likely be busy with yours anyway," he said

"I don't know Malfoy, spending the day with you isn't what I thought I'd be doing for my birthday," I said. "Well it's either you get to spend the day with me or would you rather be alone for your birthday," he said. 

"Fine," I said. I saw him smile as if he accomplished something big. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help be excited for the day 

Let Me Be Enough (dracoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now