Chapter 4

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"Awesomestar!" yowled a random ThunderClan warrior that I'm too lazy to name. "ShadowClan crossed over our borders and they are attacking!"

Yellowpaw woke up from the warrior's outburst, her beautiful white pelt glistening. Her blue orbs with yellow outlines shone in the bright sun. The apprentice toms - even the warriors - stared at her natural beauty in amazement. Bubblepaw hissed at her for no reason.

"Where's your patrol?" Awesomestar demanded.

"I was alone," responded the warrior. "When I found out that they are attacking us, I ran back as fast as I could."

No cat wondered what those ShadowClan cats were attacking or why the tom was out of camp. No one even noticed the scent of a ShadowClan she-cat that he caught with him. Being oblivious and stupid, every cat of ThunderClan gathered in the clearing as Awesomestar began speaking.

"I will lead a patrol to the battle!" called Awesomestar. "I will take every single warrior with me, and no apprentices will come except for Yellowpaw because she's this book's protagonist. I will not even worry that there will be no warriors in camp because ShadowClan obviously might not attack here while we are unguarded."

Everyone began to leave.

Bubblepaw glared at Yellowpaw. "I will always be better than you!" she hissed, snapping her head away.

Yellowpaw left the den, ignoring Bubblepaw, knowing that deep down inside that she was better than her. Magically, Yellowpaw arrived where the battle was taking place because the way she traveled didn't matter at all.

"ThunderClan attack!" yowled Awesomestar.

Every cat charged at the ShadowClan cats, with Yellowpaw running the fastest in the front. She leaped at the nearest warrior and threatened, "You're going to die!"

The warrior tom yowled with fear, and instantly was struck dead by Yellowpaw's magical deadly claws. She went to the next cat, who was also a tom, because apparently there are no cats out in the battle-field except for toms. She gave him a death blow to his neck with her teeth, and triumphantly smiled.

"ShadowClan, retreat!" yowled a random ShadowClan warrior. The long battle was ending even though it was two paragraphs long.

All the ShadowClan cats left, leaving their dead laying there as if they didn't have to bury them. Five ShadowClan warriors died, but no ThunderClan cats died thankfully.

Yellowpaw collapsed onto the ground and everything went black, even though she was unharmed because of the battle.

A/N This book gets more awesome and awesome. Right? :D Btw, @LightningStrikeTC wrote this chapter. Give thanks to her lol.

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