Chapter 16

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A/N: Another spectacular chapter from Crazystar! XD

The cats arrived at the Gathering. Everyone mingled together, chatting with each other, except for ShadowClan, who sat in the corner glaring at everyone. Yellowstar ran up to the Great Oak. Somehow, the other leaders already knew she was ThunderClan's leader.

WindClan's leader, some random she-cat, nodded to Yellowstar and RiverClan's leader meowed a greeting. ShadowClan's leader glared at all of them with undisguised animosity.

"How are you?" WindClan's leader asked politely.

Yellowstar smiled at her. "Great! Summer has been kind to us!"

RiverClan's leader frowned in confusion. "Summer?"

Yellowstar rolled her eyes. "Summer, greenleaf, whatever you want to call it. Same difference."

"Oh okay," RiverClan's leader said.

"Hi, ShadowClan's leader!" Yellowstar beamed.

The ShadowClan leader narrowed his eyes angrily. "Shut the f**k up you ugly piece of s**t! You have no right to even look at me, let alone speak to me!"

"You don't tell me what to do! I have the freedom of speech!" Yellowstar smirked.

"I kidnap kits and eat them for breakfast all the time!" the ShadowClan leader hissed, unsheathing his claws. "You're nothing but a kit! I'm gonna feast on your eyeballs for dinner tonight!"

He leapt at Yellowstar. Yellowstar casually swatted him out of midair and knocked him to the ground. She leapt down from the tree and prepared for the death blow. The ShadowClan leader stared at her with wide, terrified eyes. Chaos had erupted across the clearing and dead bodies were already beginning to litter the ground.

"Stop!" RiverClan's medicine cat yowled. "We are displeasing StarClan! This meeting is dismissed by the will of our ancestors!"

Yellowstar reluctantly released the ShadowClan leader. The dead cats all were magically resurrected, and then everyone went home.

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