Chapter 1

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*Dan's POV*

"You didn't have to drive me to school mum" I muttered staring out the car window at the school.

"Don't be silly sweetie! I wanted to drop you off on your first day at your new school." she said smiling sweetly and moving my hair from my eyes. "Now please be careful, try avoiding any fights Dan, I don't want you getting in any more trouble. Now have fun, I love you."

"Okay mum.." I sighed getting out of the car and walked towards the school. Today was my first day at this school, I got expelled from my last school for getting into a fight, to be fair I didn't start it I was only sticking up for myself. I walked into the school, strangers walked by some looking at me and whispering. "Great, another day at hell" I thought to myself.

"Hey new kid! What's your name?" A random guy walked towards me with his friends. I just stared at him, I got a bad vibe from him and decided to simply walk away without saying a word. "Hey i'm talking to you!" he called after me but again I ignored him and kept walking. I should mention that I'm not very good at making friends, to be very honest I don't need friends, they all just betray and leave you when you really need them even if you have been a great friend to them. So the less people I talk to and get close to the better. I don't need friends, I don't need anyone, all I need is to get through this school year without anyone ruining it for me.

*Phil's POV*

"CRAP! I'm gonna be late" I yelled to myself as I ran. I ran through the doors and noticed I made it just in time there was still 10 minutes to spare before class starts.

"Phil! You made it in time, wow" my friend Zoe said and messed my hair up.

"Phil Lester made it to school on time, wow someone write this miracle day down" my other friend Peter laughed.

"Hey guys, I thought I slept in again" I smiled at them. I'm usually always late for school, either something happens or I just sleep in. I liked school a lot, I didn't have too many friends only because I didn't trust anyone but Zoe and Peter have been my friends since I was little and the only two people I actually trust. I should also mention that I'm the only openly gay kid at my school, and surprisingly I do not get teased or bullied about the fact. So school is great for me, much better than everyone at home..

"Who's that kid? I think he's new" Zoe pointed at a boy standing alone by his locker. He had brown hair, he didn't seem to look very happy I don't blame him its probably not so fun being a new kid and not knowing anyone. I wanted to go up to him and introduce myself but before I could the bell rang and he walked away disappearing into the crowd of students rushing to class.

"I have to go, I have English now" I said to my friends and hurried to class.

"Ah Mr. Lester, nice to see you on time for a change" My teacher Ms. Knight smiled at me, I laughed and took my seat. The entire class I kept thinking about the new kid, who was he, there was something about the way he was standing there looking so annoyed and unhappy, it could probably just be the fact that he's new and doesn't know anyone yet but there was something that made Phil wonder about him.



Okay so this is the first chapter of our fic! Its a little short. We will try to update it as soon as we can! We are trying to figure out where we want our story to go from here, hope everyone likes it :) xx

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