Chatpter 29: Jealous

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Bethany Pro:

The show was over and Mark and I were trying to find Derek and Sadie. "Hey Beth good job". He said. "Thanks you didn't care about the kiss"? I asked Derek. "No I was being stupid". He said. I smiled and hugged him one more time.

"Hey Beth do you want to go get changed with me". Sadie asked."Ya then we can go out to dinner". I told them.

We got to the dressing room. "Beth you did amazing today, and I'm surprised on Derek being cool with the kissing part". Sadie said. "Thanks and ya Derek was cool about and I'm happy he was, I would never want to be in between Derek and Mark, I mean there best friends and I would never want to hurt that". I told Sadie.

We started talking more about what we were going to do for dinner, and we were talking and laughing.

Derek Pro:

"Hey Mark you did good with Beth". I told Mark. "Thanks I mean she's a amazing dancer and a amazing lady, your very lucky". He said smiling. "Thanks". I said smiling because I was so lucky to have Beth in my life. "So you did really good with Sadie to I mean that dance was just so amazing like every step was perfect". Mark told me.

"Well not every step". I said. "Oh come on take the complement". Mark said. I started laughing. "Hey you have a little something red on your lip". I told Mark. "Oh ya that's Bethany's red lipstick". He starts laughing. "Ya Beth just wanted some of this". He starts laughing again and I'm just looking at him.

I'm not trying to start anything but I just don't like the fact that Mark my best friend kissed Bethany my girlfriend. "Ya that's not really fun". I told him and he stopped laughing. "Why"? He asked. "Because I don't like you kissing my girlfriend".

He looked at me weird. "Why not"? He asked. "Why not, because she's my girlfriend not yours, how would you like if I kissed your girlfriend"?I asked him. "Well I don't have a girlfriend". He said. "Well maybe it's because you kiss every other girl you see"! I yelled at him. "Oh really we'll maybe you should stop being a butt hole and tell yourself that your being stupid". Mark yelled back at me.
"IM NOT BEING STUPID". I yelled and pushed Mark to the ground.

Bethany Pro:

Sadie and I were done getting changed and were ready to go, but we wanted to look a little better so we put on are fancier clothes we got when we went shopping together. I had a cutie white laced top and my gold sparkle skirt from my winter clothing line.
Sadie is wearing a sparkle white top with a flower skirt.

We walked out the dressing room and walked down the hallway. We started to here yelling. "What is that"? Sadie asked. "I don't know". I said walking to we're the noise was coming from. I looked to see Derek and Mark yelling at each other. They yelling about girlfriends and kissing...and me. Then Derek pushed Mark and he fell on the ground. Mark got back up and stared yelling at Derek again. "STOP IT". I yelled at them.

They looked over to see me and Sadie and I new Derek was mad that I saw him yelling at Mark. "Sadie I think we should go out to dinner just me and you". Mark said grabbing Sadie's hand and leaving. Sadie looked back at me and did a small smile. I looked back at Derek who was staring at me.

"Bethany we should go out to dinner just the two of us to". He said walking to me. He let his hand out for me to grab but I just looked at it. "Sorry I can't I should go home and edit a video". I told him.
He new I was upset with him and you could tell he was just mad about everything. "Sorry". He told me. "Ya sorry to". I said walking away.

*at Bethany house*

I didn't now who to text Derek but I really want to text him. I just didn't now how to stated, I mean he's the one how should make the first move he is the one how made me mad. I got in the shower and when I got out my phone went off. Derek texted me book.
I read the hole thing he was just saying about what happened. I told him I was mad because I feel like I'm the one how made Derek and Mark (two best friends) get mad at each other.

He said he was going to talk to Mark next week in person because tomorrow me, Derek, Connor, Tyler, and Troye have to leave for Australia because of a Meetup. I was texting Derek some more but then went to bed because we had to be at the airport early in the morning.

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