Chapter 8

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Jennifer's POV.

I sigh as I continue staring down at my phone, hesitating whether I should call the person that came into my mind or not.

"Come on Jen.Its just a call,nothing big.Well the request is quite big but you got this.Calm down and call him." I calm myself down.

I breathe in and out before dialing the numbers. As I am busy dialing, I get a text from LUKE.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I say as I click on the message to check it out.

'Okay listen, I know I said some harsh words about you not being precisely my genuine girlfriend the other day,and I'm sorry,okay?I just, I really need your help.That bitch is becoming a nuisance and I dont think my ass can be able to keep up with her crazy ass any longer. PLEASE help.


I roll my eyes as I finish reading the text. I slowly slump my back onto the bed and faceup.

And then something clicks in my mind!

"My request and his desperation!" I say cheerfully as I quickly sit upstraight and call him.

It rings for quite a long time and im getting irritated that he is not answering.

Pulling the phone away from my ear-ready to hang up-his voice stops me.

"Black eyes,is that you?"

I quickly press the phone back to my ear."Yes Luke,its me." I answer.

"I take it you got my message."

"Yes I did."

"So....what do you say?"

"Am i supposed to say something?"

"C'mon Jen,dont be such an imbecile. Ofcourse, you gotta say something. Something like yes Luke i will help you or no Luke i can't help you."

"That easy huh?"

"Yes,so what's it going to be?"

I place him on speaker as I put the phone down on the bed and I hop off.

"Well ruefully, no Luke I can't help you." I tell him as I walk around my room doing some movement actions.

"What the fuck?Why?" He screams through the phone.

"Whoaah-chill,I'm just joking." I laugh at how disappointed he sounded.

"Hahaha,that ain't funny. You almost gave my ass a heart attack." He tells me.

I continue laughing,"Well you gotta learn to know that some things are considered as jokes. "

"Yeah right,thank you." He says.

I pause moving for a moment," For?" I ask baffled.

"Oh my fucken word!Why are you so slow child?I meant thank you for agreeing to help me!" He clarifies.

"I may have made a joke but I for sure didn't say that I agree." I say as I sit down .

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He says with a lower voice.

"Well, to make your ass happy ,yes,I will help you.."

"I knew you were gonna agree!" He screams happily.

But I am quick to cut him off.

"Hold your horses baby.Don't get too excited so early."

He takes a deep breath in them releases,"What's that supposed to mean?"

I smirk although he cant see me,"That brown eyes, is supposed to mean that you are also going to help me with some small favor." I tell him.

"Wait,did you just give me a nickname?"

Fuck,I did.

I let out a sarcastic laugh,"Wait,what-eww.Me giving you a nickname?No no no,ah ah...never.I did not give you any nickname Harris." I lie confidently.

"Yes you did Kenda." I could sense the smirk that's plastered all over his face as he calmly replies with his deep sweet voice.

I gulp,"Well that's not even important. The only thing that's important is the fact that you must agree to doing what I'm about to ask you. " I say tilting my head up.

"And what's that favor of yours?"

703 words in total.

So turns out that Vanessa is still bothering Luke.Some girls just don't really know how to give up and let go,huh?😒.

Anyways, he wants help from Jennifer. And Jennifer says she got a favor she wants him to do for her.

What is it??

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