Chapter 20

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Jennifer's POV

Two weeks later.

It's been two weeks and the bad news is that since what happened between me and Luke. It's not like we're now ignoring each other or something, but we just haven't had the time to talk about it.

Well if you're probably wondering what happened....let me explain.

We got heated up in the moment again and as stupid as I am,I ran away.AGAIN.Not because I don't want to have sex with him but I'm just not ready to.I wish so badly but I can't disappoint my mother.

He seems cool about it but I know that he's hurt.Well,he just gotta wait if he loves me the way he says he does.

We have been traveling to school together, spending time during the weekends together but we never did what we did two week back.

And I'm fine with it.I really am.

The good news is that,mother is coming back in two weeks time.I miss her so much and I just can't wait to hug and kiss her.

"Now that we are alone,can I ask you a small simple question?" Patience blurts out.

We are in the girl's washroom,all alone.Im busy taming down my soft black hair while she was applying a light pink lipstick on his lips.

"Do you uh-m....erh.." She hesitates.

"Do I what?" I ask

"Eh,uh-m ...."

I roll my eyes,getting bored.

"If you don't start asking, I'll do something." I warn.

And just as I thought, she starts talking.

"Do you have a crush on Luke or something?"

I jerk my head at her direction and give out a light laugh.

"What?Ofcourse not." I lie.

"Really? I thought you do,you know." She tells me.

Well,you are totally wrong because I'm not just crushing him,IM INLOVE WITH HIM.


"Why would you think that?He's just my housemate that's all."

Patience shrugs softly. "I don't too.Guess I just see the way you look at him,the way you act around him and all that."

I raise an eyebrow. "How do I act around him?"

"Very eerie.Let's say for instance we're busy talking and you seem to be getting bored but then once Luke arrives,you get all smiley and laugh at almost everything that nigga say,even at shot that ain't funny at all." She tells me,ending with a light laugh.

"That's total bullshit and you know it because I don't have any sort of crush on Luke ,okay?"

"Fine,I believe." She snorts,still not entirely believing me.

"C'mon let's go." I say laughing my way out of the washroom.

"Let me get to my practice.We'll talk later okay?"
Patience announces .

She is playing basketball. She begged me to join it too but I'm so lazy to even jump.

"Okay.I'll be at the library in case you need me okay?" I tell her.

She nods,gives me a kiss on my forehead and head to the grounds.

I instantly  feel lonely as I watch her disappear. She's the only person I spend most of my time with in school, besides from Luke.

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