Chapter 44.

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Jennifer's POV.

"What are you doing?" I ask Luke,who's kneeling down on one knee and holding out a shiny red small box.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He ask,looking up at me.

"Oh Lord." I pant,covering my mouth with both my hands.


"I won't say many things to you Jennifer. But I will say only three sentences to you." He says.

I just stand still and look down at him.

"Firstly, I love you more than anything. Secondly, I'm sorry for hurting you. And last but not least,
Jennifer Ainston Kenda, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He opens the box to bewray a shiny object.

Looks like a diamond ring.

I feel my throat getting dry immediately. My heart almost pump out of my chest.My eyes almost fall out.

"You kidding right?" I ask,hoping he is and he's not at the same time.

"I'm so dead serious right now." He replies.

I let out a huge sigh and place a hand on my forehead.

It's burning.

"What do you want me to say??" I ask,clueless.

"Say yes."

"No,I can't Luke. I'm sorry but we're way to young to do this. And so much is happening right now in my life and I just cant add more stress on top of the one I already have.Marriage?At 17?Luke it's too much for me,I'm sorry." I say,genuinely.

Tears roll down my face as I see a tear roll down his face.

Disappointedly, he gets up.

  I just can't bear to see the pain and disappointment in his eyes. So I run.

I run to the car and slam the door after getting in.
I cry and cry and cry.

I hear the driver's door open and then close. I'm now leaning my head on the window, my mind deeply wandering around the tall trees on my sight.I dont move or say anything. I just remain like that.

"It's not you're fault." Luke says and starts the engine.

On our way back,no one says anything. I keep looking out of the window and he keeps his eyes  focused on the road.I turn on the radio to break the silence. I play:

The wave by Colouring.

'I know we pushed it all to the limits
And I know I won't give you
up for a minute.
If its alright, if its alright.
Maybe we just got lost in the madness
Is it okay to forgive everything?
And make it alright?
And its  alright.'

"Stop the car and get out." I quickly say.

Luke gives me puzzled look but do what I say.He parks in the middle of the road.Only because there seems to be no cars close. It's not really dark outside since the moon is supplying us with a bright light. On both sides,we are surrounded by many trees. No building, no nothing. Just a long road and tress beside it.

We both get out . He didn't switch off the lights, so they hit us with their bright light as we stand in front of the car.

"Please dont tell me you threw away the ring." I say,hoping for a no I didn't.

"No I didn't." He answers.

Thank god!

"Then where is it?" I ask,not seeing it on any of his pockets.

"I left it." He replies.

My whole heart just sink. My head encounters a pinch of painful headache.

He seems to notice how terribly disappointed I am right now as he says,

"In the car. I mean i left it in the car." He makes it clear.

"What?Go get it."

"Now,get down once again and ask me to marry you for the second time." I say as soon as he returns with the box inside his hand.

"What?" He ask,astonished.

"Do you want me to change my mind Harries?" I ask,in a threatening voice.

"No,ofcourse not." He quickly replies.

"Good.So...?" I trail off waiting for him to do what's right.

He goes on one knee in the middle of nowhere and asks.

"Jennifer Ainston Black Eyes Kenda, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

I jump up and down, squealing in excitement.

",Yes,yes. I will marry you  Luke Brown Eyes Harries."

He takes out the ring out of the box and gently slides it on my finger with a huge smile on his face.

He stands up and we kiss each other.

'Cause I just caught the wave,I just caught the wave
I just caught the wave in your eyes
I just caught the wave
I just caught the wave and its alright'

We pull away and I smile at him.

"I love you Harries." I whisper, my eyes scanning all over his handsome face.

"I love you to Mrs.Harries."

We kiss again and the rest happens inside the car.

I may not know what I just did or what just happened but, I know one thing.

I'm crazy inlove with Luke Harries.

849 Words In Total.

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