Chapter 29

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'It hurts leaving you behind
But darling,l promise,my heart will never leave yours.'


Jennifer's POV.

As I slowly open my eyes, I realize that I had slept on a couch. I look behind and I got some company.

Luke's arm tightens around my stomach, causing my dress to rise up a bit more than it already has.

I turn around, my face facing his.
Using my fingers,I trail them up and down his face,gently. From his hair,to his check, from his check to his jaw,from his jaw to his neck,from his neck to his chest,from his chest all the way down till my hand reaches the zipper of his Jean's.

Staring at him,I slowly unzip his Jean's.
Succeeding at that,I sofly dip my hand inside his boxers and slowly take out his cock.

He doesn't open his eyes or move or anything.
I start rubbing its length up and down,easily.He now starts to move and looks like he is about to open his eyes.

His Brown Gorgeous eyes crack open and they meet with mine.

He slowly looks down at what I was doing and before he could utter a word,I crash myself lips against his.

He shuts up and kiss back.Eagerly,he grab my one leg and lays it on top of his. Grabbing my ass while kissing me.

After a moment, everything stops.

We stare at each other as our eyes dive deeper into each other.No one dares to utter a word.

"I love you." He endly speaks up.

I take my time gazing at his handsome face.

"I love you too." I say back

We both smile and stay in a cuddling position.

But then I remember that I gotta get home early.

I then pull out of his arms and sit up straighter.

He gives me a perplexed look,"What's wrong?"

I look down at him.

"It's time to go." I tell him,ruefully.

He yawns and stand up and walks to the kitchen.

"Go,go where?We have a breakfast reservation or something planned today?" He asks,takings a bottle of water out of the frog.

I stand up and stand half-way between the kitche and the living room.

"No Luke. We don't have anything planned out today." I say deliberately...

"So?" He shrugs a shoulder,"What are you talking about?"

I fixedly look at him then turn to the couch that my bags where on top of.

He looks at me then follows my gaze to the bags.

"You are kidding me right ?"

I just face down and say nothing.

"Answer me!" He bangs the counter which causes me to startle.

"No!no I'm not.The day has come okay?I'm leaving today Luke." I tell him,tears streaming down my face.

He just lean against the counter,face down and says nothing.He seems dejected,crashed and lost.

I've never seen him like this.So down and powerless.

"Luke say something!" I yell crying. "Please. " I plead sofly.

He slowly raise his face and looks me dead in the eye.

"I'm gonna say this once Jennifer. If you go out of that door.." He points at the door,"don't ever talk to me again.EVER!" He warns.

I look at him with disbelief."Are you kidding me right now?You knew this day was gonna come!We both did!!" I yell at him.

"Well I wasn't looking forward for it to come!Still not even now,okay!" He yells back.

"Dude,you got a home.Pack your things too and go to your family." I say,calmly.

He suddenly looks calm.

"I don't wanna go home.I wanna stay here with you.This is home.You are my home and family Jen." He politely say.

I feel my heart filling with felicity and pleasure.

"I might be leaving but my heart will never leave yours Luke." I say pleasant.

"Don't do this Kenda." He pleads."Tell me how I must forget being used to being around you all the fucken time,huh?How I'm supposed to just wipe away all the good times we have in this apartment. The cuddling,the sex,the bonding and the fun we have together in here.I've become a bubbly, open person because of you.I learned the four letter word through you.Through the three months we had together. I learned so much,you taught me so much Jen. Please don't take all that away from me. I need you."

I wipe away my tears and pick up my bags.

Giving him one final glare,I smile.

"See you around." I say before turning around,I my heels.

As I open the door,his voice stops me.

"You know,if you leave...consider our relationship over." He shouts.

I feel my heart being stabbed by a sudden sharp needle.

I turn around, "Wha-at?" I stammer.

"You heard right Jennifer. Walk out and you'll no longer be my girlfriend. I mean what's the point of being one if I'm gonna throw parties almost every day,invite hot chicks and fuck them better than I fuck you.Every day."

I feel the strap of my one bag about to tear up.And I feel like I'm about to go nuts.

My mother's words fill inside my head.

"You got two choices.
1-Stop whatever that's going on between the two of you while you still can


2- Continue being a fool to him and wait till he rips off that tiny heart of yours into pieces as much as he can with his actions. And leave your whole life altered. "

Gathering all the calmness I could have, I took a deep breath in then released.

Glaring at him ,I say....

"Fuck You Luke harries and go to hell."

With that being said,I shut the door behind me.

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