★ | 057. former boyfriend, pretty little liars

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 57: Former Boyfriend, Pretty Little Liars
Word Count: 683

Aria felt her heart break a little as she stared across the room at her ex boyfriend, who had his arm wrapped around Hanna's shoulder

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Aria felt her heart break a little as she stared across the room at her ex boyfriend, who had his arm wrapped around Hanna's shoulder. The pair were laughing and he leaned down to give her a kiss on the side of her heard.

They had broken up a little over a year ago when Aria had moved away. When she came back, she never expected to see him with one of her best friends but she couldn't blame him. She was the one who dumped him and broke his heart.

He whispered something into Hanna's ear before walking away to get some drinks for the both of them. Now that he seemed to be alone, Aria quickly made her way over to him, looking at Hanna to see if she was watching, which she wasn't.

She cleared her throat as she reached him. [name] turned his head and sighed when he saw her. "What do you want, Aria?"

"Look, I know we haven't been on the best terms since I got back but I need to have a serious conversation with you."

He raised his eyebrow at her. "I'm pretty sure there's nothing we have to talk about."

She gave him a look. "You know there is and don't deny it. I'm not mad that your dating Hanna, I have no right to be but if you're dating her to get back at me then - "

"What?" He cut her off with narrowed eyes. "You really think I would do that? Of course not!" He snapped at her, appalled by the accusation.

"Okay, I'm sorry." She put her hands up. "I just had to make sure." She sighed again and ran a hand through her hair.

"Now that that's over with." He mumbled annoyed and picked up some scones from the food table. He went to walk away but she grabbed his arm. "Seriously?"

"She's been through so much so just for the record, if you hurt her, I will crush your scones." Aria threatened him before letting go of his arm slowly.

"I'm not going to hurt her. Believe it or not, I'm in love with her. She was there for me when I was going through something." He said, looking down at the ground. "Just do me a favour? I know you think you're protecting her but there's nothing to protect, I love her so just leave us alone." When he left, she didn't grab him again, there was no point, he said everything he needed to say.

He walked back over to Hanna and have her the drink and the scone. "What was that about?" The blonde questioned, nodding her head towards Aria with a small bit of jealousy in her voice.

He shook his head. "She was just threatening me to take care of you." His words made her jealousy drop and she couldn't help but snort. "Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" He asked playfully.

She shrugged her shoulder and leaned into his side. "Very, but she doesn't need to threaten you because if you hurt me, I'm the one you'll have to deal with." She tapped his chest with one of her manicured nails.

He smiled playfully at her. "I wouldn't have it any other way, sweetheart."

Aria had been watching them again and she smiled sadly. [name] really had moved on from her and she was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that Hanna had got herself an amazing boyfriend, Aria could say from experience, and sad because she knew she would never have [name] again.

But Hanna deserved him and he deserved Hanna. There was nothing Aria was going to do to get in the way of that.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: Making myself write imagines that have to be over 1000 words has kind of been draining my inspiration and motivation so from now on, I'm just going to end the imagine when it feels right. That means there might be a few imagines that a shorter now.

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