Chapter One

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Life at Camp Half-Blood was great

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Life at Camp Half-Blood was great. I had an amazing girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, and the greatest friends a person could ask for. So, obviously, something terrible had to happen. 5

His name was Nathan Green. And he claimed to be my brother. He had brown eyes and brown hair though. And he was a conniving jerk. He ruined my life the first day he got to camp. This is what happened. 15

I was walking down the beach with Annabeth, hand in hand, when I heard a gigantic roar. Me and Annabeth raced off to see what it was and ended up splitting up to cover my ground. The more I ran, the more I heard the roaring. Until eventually, I was out of camp grounds and in the woods instead. I saw a teenage boy with brown hair and brown eyes running away from a gigantic monster.

This monster was a cyclops. It had big meaty hands and gigantic teeth. Kind of looked like a combination of a shark and a giant with horns. The boy was running towards me in complete fear. I unclipped Riptide and began hacking and slashing away at the monster, which was pretty tough. Eventually, the thing turned to dust.

I turned back to the boy who was standing up with a smile on his face. "THEY'RE OVER HERE!" a voice belonging to the one and only Clarrise yelled.

When all the campers showed up, it was complete silence for some reason. Everyone was just staring wide-eyed at Nathan. That's when I saw someone pushing through the crowd. When that person appeared I saw it was Annabeth. When Annabeth saw the kid, she widened her eyes in...fear? Then she turned to me for some odd reason. Oh and not to mention that Nathan was smiling brightly at Annabeth. A little too brightly, actually.

"Annabeth," Nathan said softly.

I widened my eyes. "You two know each other?" I asked, suddenly feeling queasy. Nathan turned towards me and his smile dissapeared.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Who are you?" I retorted.

"Nathan Green," he replied, "your turn."

"Percy Jackson," I said slowly.

He frowned. He started to get a little wobbly and then he fainted. Before he could fall to the ground I caught him and gently laid him down in the dirt. "GET WILL!" I yelled. People started running around to get Will but Annabeth just stayed there, looking at Nathan.

Eventually, people took Nathan to the infirmary but not before giving me sympathetic looks, which I also found odd. When they took Nathan away, I walked over to Annabeth. "You okay?" I asked her. She didn't answer me. She just walked off, leaving me alone in the woods. Eventually, when I got over my stunned state, I went back into camp. On the way to my cabin, everyone was looking at me sympathetically. Even Drew was, and I didn't know Drew knew what symphathy was.

I walked into my cabin and went to sleep. EVENTUALLY, I met up with Annabeth who had seemed distant. Every single time I tried to talk to her, she would just pretend to not hear me or avoid me at all costs. Eventually, I caught up to her at the beach. When she tried to run away, I jumped in front of her so she couldn't escape.

Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked her.

She squeezed her eyes shut. "I have something to tell you," she announced.

I nodded. "Whatever it is, we can work through it," I replied with a smile.

Annabeth took in a deep breath and took two steps back. "When you went missing...when Hera took you...I felt lonely like never before. came along and helped cheer me up."

I didn't like the way the conversation was going. What did she mean by "cheer her up". I controlled my breathing though and listened.

"At first we were great friends and then one day we kissed. I pulled back instantly because...I was dating you but Nathan convinced me that you weren't going to come back and even if you were alive you may have moved on so I should move on too," Annabeth stated, "and so we began to date. Then when we went on the quest to find you, he also had to go on a quest and dissapeared. I thought he was dead."

I clenched my fists to the point of where my hands stung. I realized I had deep nail marks in my palms. I controlled my breathing. "And everyone at camp knew?" I asked, trying to hide my anger but it was really evident.

She nodded slowly, seeing how I would react. "But you still love me, right?" I asked. She faltered and looked down to the sandy ground.

Anger coursed through me like a wave. "WHAT THE HELL ANNABETH!?" I yelled. I'm pretty sure I attracted the whole camp after that.

"I'm sorry Percy!" she cried.

"Sorry?" I asked, "you're sorry. Oh well, then let's just forget about the fact that YOU CHEATED ON ME. OH, ANNABETHS SORRY! CAUSE THATS SUPPOSED TO HELP!"

By this point, I realized the ground was slightly shaking. I unclenched my fist and it immediately stopped.

"I...I-"'Annabeth faltered.

"Your what?" I asked angrily.

"I didn't know you would return," she cried, "you were gone Percy! Do you know how I felt!?"


She cried some more and I almost started to feel guilty. Until the brown eyed devil showed up. "Don't yell at her!" Nathan snapped, running up to Annabeth. He stopped in front of her, and stretched out his arms to protect her from me.

I so badly wanted to grab his head and smash it into the ground. I was so angry. But, instead, I scoffed and turned around. I ran past all the campers and ran into my cabin, not once looking back. I felt hurt and angry. I wanted to punch wanted to punch someone. I was sick of this place.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now