Chapter Thirteen

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It was easy to sneak out of my cabin at night. When I stepped out of the cabin, a cool breeze hit my face. I didn't relish it for too long because I had to get moving. I looked around and saw the camp grounds were empty. It was also really easy to avoid the harpies. Well, not really easy but easy enough. Right when I was close to the barrier I heard the all too familiar hooves of an awesome centaur I know and love.


I stopped walking instantly, knowing I was busted. I turned around to face a frowning Chiron. "And where are you going?" Chiron asked.

"On a walk," I lied, hoping to fool him.

He laughed. "With a dufflebag?" he asked, pointing to the bag that rested on my shoulder. I sighed.

"Okay you caught me," I said, dropping the bag.

"You were going to look for Percy?" he asked, walking around me.

I shrugged. "Yea, I was, because I feel like I'm the only one who cares he's gone!" I felt so angry and I couldn't understand why. I don't feel like this usually.

Chiron looked at me. "Or are you running away because you want to get away from the comments?" he asked, "the looks people give you. The way people talk about you now?"

I clenched my fist. "Both," I said. What was he trying to prove?

He rubbed his long scraggly beard. "Okay then," he said, "I'll let you go."

I was a little tacken aback. Usually there is a catch but he just stared me dead in the eye. Slowly, grabbing my bag, I turned around and started walking toward the barrier. He didn't stop me. It was weird and very unlike him. I kept going. Step by step. Waiting for him to say stop. But he said nothing. Finally, I turned around and glared at him.

"Okay, what's the catch?" I asked.

He shrugged and smiled. "There is no catch," he replied, "you can leave."

I didn't believe that. I didn't believe it at all. But I slowly backed up, waiting for him to say something. He said nothing. I felt like Percy. So confused that it hurt my brain. And that's not a good thing!

Right when I was at the end of the barrier, Chiron spoke. "Oh and Annabeth?" he asked.

"Yes?" I replied, turning around, waiting for him to say "come back".

"I suggest you watch out," he said calmly.

At first I was confused. Then I heard rustling in the trees and saw a falling figure with a spear coming down towards me. I wasn't ready! The monster knocked me to the ground and raised the spear to plunge into my heart.


Usually, when you wake up, you wake up in air. Like a normal person. But I'm not normal. And not only am I not normal, I am a son of one of the big three. And not only that but my father was Poseidon. If I was a Zeus or Hades kid, I would most certainly be dead right now. But, thankfully, my dad is Poseidon and I didn't drown in the pool or water! But I did have a mini heart attack when I woke up.

I mean, I don't usually sleep in water so I knew something was up. I looked around and realized I was in a cave. I think. I'm not sure. I didn't remember much. I just remember falling. Except Jason wasn't here to catch me. Jason Grace. Not Jason Scott. I'm starting to wish they didn't have the same name now.

I swam up to the surface and breathed in the air. I didn't really need to, considering I can breathe underwater. Above me was a dark sky. The stars were out and stared down at me disapprovingly as if to say, "how the hell do you end up in these situations, Percy?"

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now