Finale: Part One: Chapter Forty-Four

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(A/N: Here we go again. Prepare to meet the end. This book is almost done. There is almost no more fun. Let's see what's going to happen. To Percy Jackson, our captain! 2

Percy: oh my god, please don't tell me your going to start ryhming again

Me: Yep. Prepare to be amazed. 

Percy: *tortured



Nathan soon came back but he didnt tell me what he was going to say. He was actually very quiet, which I enjoyed. His voice annoys me. Sadly, I didnt get very much silence because Nathan started up again. 

"I'm so sad friend," he said, looking to the sky and being his usual theatrical self. He was probably calling upon the power of Zeus to fuel him with over the top unnecessary drama.

"Why?" I asked, pretending I actually cared, which I didnt. It actually made me a little happy to see this rotten apple sad.

"Annabeth," Nathan said softly, "she isnt feeling very well. We think she came down with a cold. People are saying the wedding may have to be rescheduled if they cant revive her."

Revive her? What the hell did that mean? Was she dead or something? No. Impossible. It would take a lot more then a cold to kill Annabeth. And why should I care. I hate her anyways! I wouldnt be in this mess if it wasnt for her and Nathan. They both deserve each other! They are both stone-hearted. 

"Thats sad," I replied with fake sympathy, "lets hope your beautiful wedding doesn't have to be rescheduled." It was hard to keep the bitterness out of my voice but Nathan didnt recognize it. He was in his own world in the moment. 

"Yes," he said sadly, "i was really planning for it to be today."

To be honest, i was hoping the wedding would happen today also. Just for different reasons. The faster the wedding is over, the better it is for me. Yes, I would die afterwards, but just watching (well, listening to be technical) is painful enough. 

The faster I die and can leave this wretched place, the better. 


"Watch out!" Zack silently yelled, pulling me back against the wall.  1

A bunch of putty soilders marched down the hallway. I sighed in relief and silently thanked Zack. Our group had split up into two's to cover more ground. Me with Zack. The stolls with each other, obviously, and Thalia with Trini. 

We were in one of the hottest places of the underground building. Sweat cascaded down my forheaded. I wiped it off as we ran around the corner after the putties dissapeared. There was a door on the other side of the hallway. Big and red with the word "prisoners."

"Got any other powers?" Zack asked me. 

I smiled and cracked my knuckles. 

Walking towards the door, I put my hands on the surface. Then I used all of my strength to make it burning hot. It didnt hurt or even bruise me. The door started to unravel and melt into a lava type substance. Zack widened his eyes and muttered, "cool."

In the room were hallways and hallways full of people in chained chambers. Ha. Alliteration. We stepped over the melted door and walked down the hallway towards the doors. 

Door 5670. 

Thats the door Billy's chest-camera had shown. It took us a while, but we eventually came to the hallway that had the 5000's number. Zack looked on the right while I looked on the left. Aliens and humans were found chained inside of the rooms, as you can see through the door slot. Some looked dead and others looked even worse. They were all suffering. As much as I wished I could have unleashed all of them, we came here for the rangers. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now