Chapter Eighteen

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(A/N: I got 20 votes on my last chapter so here is another one! Thank you guys! You are awesome!!

Me: This is literally your last chance Percy. Don't mess up.

Percy: I know it now. We practiced. I've got this

Me: Okay then.

Me: What time is it?

Percy: ITS HAMMER TIME!!!!! 🔨 10

Me: 😑 1

Percy: 😁 1



Reyna is relentless. My muscles ache and my head feels like someone slammed it into the ground 20 times. Which did happen! By Reyna! She has no idea what the word "stop" or "please" or "your choking me to death" means. She's like a nicer but more brutual version of Clarrise. Don't ever challenge her to a fight!

I sat at the beach, looking out to the waves. I know I'm torturing myself by doing this but it makes me feel closer to Percy even though he is probably far away. Even though he is probably....probably dead. No! I won't think that way. Percy is to stubborn to die. There is no way he could...there is no way.

I could hear the footsteps of someone approaching me but I didn't care at the moment. The person sat down beside me and out of my peripheral vision, I saw Reyna. She wasn't in her usual toga. She was in an orange camp half blood t shirt and some black shorts with black and white sneakers. She looked totally different. She kind of looked like a...and you won't believe actual teenager.

"I lost a bet to the stolls," Reyna said, leaning in and whispering to me, "even though I have a great feeling they found some way to cheat."

I chuckled. The Stolls are Hermes kids and are the most mischevious people I have ever met. But don't ever make a bet with them. They either rigged everything your supposed to do or the bet is so dangerous that you'll probably get hurt, go into a coma, and when you wake up, have amnesia. That's just how the Stolls are. 1

"That's usual," I said nodding, "don't ever make a bet with those two." I shuddered, recalling horrible memories.

It was a long time of silence before she spoke again. "I'm sorry," she admitted finally, "sometimes, I get really into the battle and I forget your not the enemy."

Just like Clarrise if not worse. I should really introduce those two. It would be interesting to see them battle. "It's fine," I replied, "I need to get better anyways."

She smiled. "In battle, all you really need is for them to think your stronger then you actually are," she said shrugging. 1

"Isn't that what you do?" I asked, turning to her.

She laughed. "Me? Oh, no. My power is no illusion. I can fucking demolish you." We both burst out laughing. It's nice to have a friend like Reyna. 2



I went out the door to the roof and went down the stairs. Then I went into the hallway and walked to my homeroom class. Right on time too, because the door opened and Rita and Tommy appeared. "Percy," she said with fake happiness.

"Mom," I said neutrally. Then I turned to Tommy. "Dad. Can we leave now? I'm sleepy." The teacher laughed and my parents laughed with them. But my parents laugh was more a "oh let's laugh with this guy to seem normal and then we bruise Percy later for having a smart mouth" type of laugh. Have your parents ever laughed like that? If I so, I feel sorry for you during that moment of time.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now