Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke up in my bed at 3:00 from a nightmare. It was the same one Rita had shown me when we first met. My brain stung as I set up. I felt lightheaded and fell back down into my pillow. I was sweaty all over and breathing hard. It was dark outside and the moon shined in from my window. I was too tired to move so I just stayed in bed, trying to focus on the ceiling.

My dream was horrible. It showed me and my friends all dying but I was the one who killed them. My eyes were stone cold, as dark green as Tommys eyes were. My friends were crying, yelling for me to stop as I slit each one of their necks. I shuddered in the dark. I didnt want to think about it, but it kept popping up. I felt weak. Weaker then ever. Was I in control of my actions? Or was I just truly evil?

I clenched my eyes closed and turned over on my side, sweat dripping down from my hair. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and turned it on. The light blinded me to where I screamed and dropped it. After recovery from blindness, I slowly picked up my phone as if it were a bomb. Then I opened my eyes and turned it back on, turning down the brightness.

On my phone were spam messages in a group chat from Zack. Trini was repeatedly threatning him that if he didn't shut the hell up she would kick him where the sun doesn't shine. I think we all know what she was talking about.

The kidney 4

That's when I got a brand new message from Zack.


Percy: Dude, its 3:00, go to bed.

Zack: PERCY!!!! Your up! Maybe you can save me from Trini?

Trini: Not a chance

Percy: Stop spamming. It's annoying and Trini is probably going to suffocate you.

Kimberly: If I don't get to him first...

I smiled as I saw Kimberly name. Gods, even her name makes me smile now. I didn't know how to respond. I was scared I would say something wrong. Kimberly can make me feel that way.

Zack: How come only the girls here hate me?

Percy: That's not true bro

Zack: Thanks bro

Percy: I hate you too -_-

Trini: 😂😂

Zack: Jason doesn't hate me. Right?

Jason: Um...

Kimberly: Tell the truth.

Jason: Remember when you almost killed us with the Zord you decided to steal?

I was a little confused on this part. It must of been something that happened when I wasn't here.

Zack: Yea. That was fun plus a little scary but still fun

Jason: That's when my hate for you began

Zack: Why do you all hate me? 😭

Billy: I don't hate you 😃

Kimberly: Awwww

Billy: I just dislike you at certain points of time

Kimberly: Nevermimd

Percy and Jason: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Zack: I see how it is! You know what, I'm going to stop speaking to you guys. Let's see how you like that.

Zack logs off

Trini: I bet he lasts 45 minutes

Percy: I'll take you up on that bet and say he lasts 30 minutes

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now