Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: Another story! +

Percy: Great, I wonder how your going to mess with me today.

Me: Time will tell😈



I got dressed in the morning. A green shirt and some blue jean pants with a black jacket. It was raining outside. The weather kept changing and I knew it wasn't me. It was something else. As I tied my shoes on my bed, I looked in the mirror. I looked like a normal teenage boy. I wasn't buff. I wasn't scrawny. I was normal. Ha. I wish.

I stood up and walked outside of my bedroom. Annabeth was looking outside the window, arms crossed, worry etched on her face. I shut the door loudly so she could turn around. She didn't. Rain slid down the window. When I was a kid, I used to pretend the raindrops were in a race. I started to think Annabeth was doing that, but Annabeth isn't like that. She was thinking about something else. She's always thinking. 3

I sighed and looked at the time. 9:15. I walked into the kitchen and started looking for food. There was no food. I sighed and looked at Annabeth, she still hadn't moved from her spot. I rolled my eyes and walked to the couch, staring at her. Still wasn't moving. I fake coughed. Nothing. No movement. Annabeth had on that concentration that not even a thousand giants could break. What was she trying to do? Make the rain stop?

Staring at her was nerve-racking. My ADHD was acting up. How was her ADHD not acting up? Was she able to block it or something? Can you block ADHD? If anyone could do it, Annabeth could. How long could she keep this up?

"ANNABETH!" I screamed.

She didn't even flinch! "Yes?" she asked, not looking at me.

I walked towards her and looked out the window. There were houses stretching for miles, maybe, down the street. It was raining hard, puddles forming along the sidewalks. "What's so interesting out there?" I asked her.

"The weather is weird," Annabeth stated, "it was sunny yesterday and now its raining. Weather just doesn't do that." Then she looked at me accusingly. 3

I held up my hands. "This isn't my doing," I defended myself, "and if it was, which it isn't, why does it matter?"

She scoffed. "So your just going to walk to school in the rain?" she asked me.

I grinned. "I'm a Poseidon child," I replied, "it won't affect me. It will probably affect you though. Plus I don't have school today. It's out because of all this raining." She turned back to the window.

"Do you have money?" she asked, "drachma, I mean." I shook my head. She sighed and left the window, finally sitting down on the couch.

"How are we going to contact Camp Half Blood?" she asked me, as if I held all the answers in the world.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, "Camp Half Blood is strong enough to stop Nathan...erm you. Um...its strong enough to stop that thing that looks like you."

"Nathan isn't alone," Annabeth said, more to herself then me, "who fights a whole camp alone? He's planning something else."

Before I could respond, my stomach growled. I was starving. "Okay," I said, sitting down by Annabeth, "how about this. We go to the store. Get food and get you clothing. Then we come back here and figure this out. I just woke up. I don't want to start worrying about things right this instant."

She turned towards me. Her gray eyes pierced into my skin. Gosh she was beautiful. Her hair was down in messy but beautiful curls. Only Annabeth could get into a brutual dirty fight and still look prettier than any model today. Except maybe Kimberly. Kimberly was also beautiful. Annabeth and Kimberly were very different though. The only similarity they share is that they are both girls. And they both have long hair. That's it.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now