Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: Another story!!! Please vote this and comment and follow me. It really does motivate me to publish more!!!

Percy: So, how are you going to ruin my life this story?

Me: Oh shut up

Reyna: 😂


(A/N: Side Note, this is what Nathan looks like in case you are wondering. If you have any ideas of what he should look like instead, please tell me. This is just my suggestion to picture him as.

 This is just my suggestion to picture him as

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Me and Nathan were in the woods at night. I had Nathan by his neck in a tight death grip. His hands were tied behind his back in a tight rope I borrowed from Thalia. She didn't even care why I needed it. She was busy trying to show Reyna how to shoot an arrow perfectly. Those two got really close over the past few days. Heck, I ship it. Don't tell either one of them I said that though.

Nathan was leading me to where Percy mysteriously dissapeared, so he says. I didn't trust him though. I was guiding us through the forest with a flashlight. I jumped over a log while I let him trip over it. Nathan grunted.

"I truly don't understand what I have done to deserve this," Nathan said grunting.

"You are just now telling me where Percy is when he has been gone for months!" I yelled, "be lucky I'm not pushing you over the lava wall!"

Nathan laughed and I let him get hit in the head with a tree branch. His laughter quickly quieted down and he frowned. "Your such a jerk," Nathan murmured.

"Your a prick," I replied.

Nathan smirked at that as I went the way he told me to go. I didn't like being in the woods alone with him. But I would do anything to find Percy. Even if that means risking my life. I didn't care anymore. I just needed Percy.

That's when we got to a large clearing in the forest. Fallen leaves littered the forest floor and the trees surrounding us swayed in the wind. "This is where he dissapeared," Nathan said, "after he ran away, I told you I was heading back to my cabin. That was a lie. I was following him to see where he was going and try to convince him to come back."

I didn't believe that last part for a second. But I nodded and let him continue. "It was raining hard so I didn't see much. But I saw someone, a hooded figure, open up a portal as Percy bended down to pick up something. That's when he flew into the portal. I think someone kidnapped him. And it happened right here."

I frowned. This didn't sound possible. Either he was lying or he was just an idiot. Both are big possibilities. "So I started investigating," he said, "and I found out that the portal opens up at 12:00 every night on Monday. Every day it gets smaller though. Before it was tall as you and me combined and as wide as the lake. I don't see how you all missed it. But now, it's only this big.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now