Chapter Twenty Five

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I don't know where I expected to wake up. But it definitely wasn't in a comfy bed with a cold wet towel being gently pressed on my forehead. I groaned a little, feeling lightheaded. Sitting beside me was a boy. My vision was as blurry so I couldn't really see him well. Soon enough, it started to come into focus. I gasped. Same black hair, only shorter. Same beautiful green eyes. It was...


I shot up in my laying position, feeling an overwhelming sense of sleepiness. Percy widened his eyes and pushed me back down. "Relax," he said, "you shouldn't move. Your badly hurt." His voice was soothing. Almost hypnotizing. I laid down, feeling weak.

"P-Percy?" I managed to get out.

He stopped dabbing my head. Then he continued and spoke. "Hey," he replied bitterly. I felt like someone took a mace to my chest. Tone and looks can be very different. He looked happy, almost calm. But his tone was ice cold and shaky.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice feeling scratchy.

"Your sick," he replied, "your temperature is 106. You have bruises and scratches everywhere. Eat this."

He gave me some ambrosia which I scarfed down. I started to feel a little better. Then he handed me nectar. I swallowed it down. I felt so tired. I wanted to sleep but I also needed to ask him more questions. Why was he helping me? Didn't he hate me?

"Rest," Percy commanded, standing up, "don't move. You may faint. Trust me, I know." He shut the door softly as he exited.

I stared up at the ceiling. Why would he help me? Where am I? I finally found him, so why aren't I happy? I should be. I found my true love. But he doesn't love me back. That's what really hurt. When you love someone and they don't love you. You feel like crap. And that's how I felt. Except worse. Because it was all my fault.


I couldn't handle it. I exited the room before I burst into tears. I should have been angry she was here. But I wasn't. I was happy. I missed her. I missed her so badly. And in that moment, I didn't care what she did. I wanted to kiss her. And I hated myself for that. Why did I still feel drawn to her? I shouldn't. I shouldn't still love her. But I did. And I couldn't. I shouldn't. 7

I went into the living room and hid behind the couch like some little kid. I didn't want Annabeth to see me cry. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled my knees to my chest, burying my face in my knees. I could feel the tears start to soak the part where my knees are but I didn't care. My cries were silent. Pain rushed into my system like a wave I couldn't control. I felt so helpless.

I stared up at the ceiling. Why would I help her? She actually found me, so how come Im not mad? I should be. My ex love found me just as I found a new love. But was Annabeth really ever my ex love!? All these questions hurt my head. I used my powers to clear the tears from my eyes so it didn't look like I was crying. I stood up and looked in the mirror. Then I smiled. It wasn't a very good one. My lip was trembling and I was shaking. What am I going to do!?

Annabeth didn't love me but I love her. That's what really hurt. When you love someone and they don't love you back. You feel like crap. And that's how I felt. Except worse. Because it was all my fault. If I had been understanding...maybe if we spent more time together. If...ugh...why? When will I finally have a chance to be free from fates chains? Do they enjoy my suffering? They probably do.

My head hurt from all the crying. I fell onto the couch and laid down, rubbing it. I had many questions for her. And I'm sure she had plenty for me.

I hate you fates, I thought.

Yea, don't say " I hate you" to a possible God.

Because when a god is angry, they become as bad as the Titans!

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now