Thirty -four

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The Minotaur swung me out of the cave into a light pole. It was fully night outside as the moon shined down on me. I didn't have time to run before the Minotaur came bounding after me. It jumped up and covered the entire moon light. The club raised in its hand, it swung it down hard. I screamed loudly. 

The Minotaur laughed as it stood back up, the club swung behind his back. I looked down at my body and saw he hadn't impaled me. But the rock beside me wasn't as lucky.

"W-w-what just...happened?" I asked, totally confused. 

The Minotaur picked me up by the collar of my shirt and smiled. "Rita wants you ALIVE!" he emphasized the alive part, "so I'll deliver you to her alive." 

He swung me over his back instantly, my head hitting what felt like stone rock. As he walked, my head repeatedly hit his hard back. If I didn't get knocked out from fear, I would definetly get knocked out from my head hitting his back. 

"Please don't do this," I tried to convince him, "I'll give you anything! Please. You don't know what she'll do to me." 

"Does it look like I care?" he grunted, laughing again. 

Sighing, I closed my eyes. I didn't want to be awake for my death. Or my torture. Either Rita was going to turn me into a puttie or she was going to torture and then kill me. I'd prefer neither. She would never give me a choice anyway. I was a goner. 


I don't even know where I am right now. 

I had a very dark leather bag over my head. Someone handcuffed my hands behind my back and was guiding me into the forest. I could hear the footsteps of other people beside me. My head felt like crap and my stomach felt horrible. I could barely keep walking straight. Right when I thought I was about to give up, we stopped. I collapsed to my knees, wheezing in pain. 

The bag was immediatley snatched off my head. At first it was a little blurry but it didn't take long for everything to adjust. I was in the forest, in the spot where the portal opens up. Around me were the demigods. Some I knew, others I didn't. But right in front of me was Jason. He had a menacing look on his face. 

"12:00, right?" he said looking directly at me but not speaking to me. 

"Yep," Leo replied, dropping my notebook in front of me, "12:00 on the dot. It's tricky though. You have to get in at less then 5 seconds or something back could happen." 

"Like what?" Frank asked, stepping up. 

"We could switch bodies for one," Leo replied, counting off his fingers, "we could have our insides become our outsides. We could be turned into animals. We could get stuck. We could end up-" Frank cut him off. 

Okay," he said holding up his hands, "I get the picture." 

I glared up at Jason who was staring down at me in disgust. I didn't care. I'm used to the look. I've always been used to the look. It barely fazed me anymore. It just made me tougher. I struggled against the handcuffs, trying to rid the device from my wrists. 

"The more you struggle, the more it hurts," Leo replied, "and trust me, it could hurt to the point of where it cuts your hands clean off. You do NOT want to experience that. R.I.P Chester." 3

"R.I.P Chester," everyone else said simaltaneously, putting a hand over their heart and looking up at the sky. 


I walked through the chamber, my hand gliding along the wall. It was silent, except for the occasional drop of water from the ceiling, hitting its original puddle. It was dark but I could still see with my ears. My heels clicked along the ground as I walked. The rough wall slowly started to thicken and thicken until it wasn't rock anymore but instead it felt diamond hard. I was here. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now