Chapter Forty-One

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Its been hours since Nathan captured us. He had put me and Annabeth in seperate dungeon rooms. Right now, he was here bothering me. 

"So Percy," he said, "hows life?"

He laughed at his own little joke while i just glared at him which caused him to smile that usual annoying smile of his. 

He gave me back a portion of my vision. I could only see good in one eye. He explained that when he leaves, ill return to my usual darkness. 

The catch was that everytime i did happen to open my eyes, it would get darker and the chains on my wrists would get tighter and my eyes would hurt more. It was a little punishment of his. I dreaded it. I decided to just close my eyes instead forever. It was too blinding in the dungeon anyway. But i have to admit, it was nice to see again. Even though it felt like fire to my eyes. 

"Oh come on," Nathan said, "cheer up buddy. This day is going to be historic! Today is the day I get crowned as king and today is the day everyone you love will die and i will destory your world! Isnt that great?"

I didnt respond. My throat hurt like hell and i had nothing to say to this scum of a person. Nathan didnt seem bothered by it. He loves hearing himself talk. Trust me, I had to learn that the hard way. 

"Today is going to be just brilliant," he said pacing around the room, "everyone is going to die. The world will finally be mine. And you'll rot in here like the garbage you are while i celebrate my victory." 

I laughed. "If you think you are going to win this one then you are as delusional as you are ugly," I laughed, "the power rangers will stop you."

I opened my eyes a little to see Nathan who had pouted and cocked his head. "Oh really?" He asked, "because I've already captured 2 of them. Your precious Kimberly and that boy Jason. I just have three more to go and all of my threats will be wiped out. I was hoping you caught on to the fact that you arent going to win this one but i guess not."

I clenched my fists that were chained to the wall. He continued to pace around the room, laughing at my anger. I closed my eyes again.

There was one thing i wanted to know. Why is he doing this? Why did he have to bother my world? I mean, its not any better to destroy this world but what had i done to him for him to come after me and my friends. I literally have never done anything to this guy. I havent even touched him! Yet, he's here, ruining my life because of what? Annabeth? He seriously loves Annabeth that much that he is willing to kill me to have her. No. There has got to be something else. Some other reason he wants to destroy me. 

But what was it? 

Nathan seemed to notice my curious look because he stopped pacing to look at me. "What?" He asked.

Why are you destroying my world?" I asked, "from what I've concluded, you didnt even used to exist in my time. You told me that you have never been to my world until Rita sent you there. So why are you trying to destroy my world?"  +

Nathan laughed his annoying  laugh and walked towards me. Then he bent down to my eye level and looked at me. It was kind of weird because he was all up in my personal space and for a second I thought he was going to try and kiss me. 

"Who do I look like to you?" He asked me, "and think real hard. Do i look like anyone in particular you may have faced?'

I looked closely at him. His eyes looked strangely familiar. Kind of psycho. And his nose. And his mouth. That same smirk. He reminded me of someone so familiar but i couldnt figure it out. I looked closer. Nathan smiled. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now