Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A/N: Here goes a joke. Why were Percy's grades not good at school? They were below C level!  4

Percy: Oh my god, you did not. 

Me: I dophinatley did. 

Percy: Someone stop her before she awakens the pun king!

Me: you dont like my puns? My Apollo-gees

Leo: Yes! We are doing puns!?

Thalia: he has been awoken!

Leo: what did the ocean say to the other ocean?

Percy: What did he say? Sea you later?

Leo: No, they just...waved!

Percy: Someone kill meeee!!! 2



When i went to the restroom, i didnt expect to come face to face with someone i was hoping i would never have to see again. Ever. 

"Ah, Annabeth," Nathan said, "you look as beautiful as ever!"

He was in a tuxedo. His brown hair was slicked back with gel and he had a red rose in his hand. He presented it to me. I was too shocked and angry to really process what was going on. But when i did...lets just say it wasnt pretty. 

I grabbed the rose from Nathan and then punched him right in the face. Then i slammed his head into the mirror a dozen times before it finally broke and i just slammed his head into the wall. I was feeling the pain too but i didnt care. As long as he was feeling it, i was fine. 

"You cant kill me," Nathan laughed, "you'd just be killing yourself."

I tightened my grip on his throat and then slammed his head down on the counter, causing him to get knocked out. All the immense amount of pain i had felt before vanished like it wasnt ever there. 

It didnt take long for something else to happen. The lights in the bathroom shut off and i felt someone grab me. I dont remember much because i may have fainted. I just knew that something really bad was about to happen at the prom. 


After many songs started playing we all took a break and sat down at a table. Jason had to leave for a while for reasons he didnt explain. It was kind of mysterious how he just dissapeared like that.

"That was so fun!" Billy said happily, "gosh Trini can dance!"

"Percy looked like a fish out of water," Zack joked, which caused a napkin to fly at his head. 

"Ha, ha," Percy said sarcastically while we all laughed. 

Zack's date had abandoned him to go dance with the person we all knew she wanted to be with this whole time. Zack didnt really seem to care. He just wanted someone to go with for the time being, i guess. Trini looked especially happy about her leaving though. 

We started talking for a while and Jason still hadn't come back. I was starting to get a little worried. Why had he left? What was he doing? My thoughts were cut off by a slow song that had started to play. People on the dance floor started partnering up as they swayed to the music. I saw Percy lightly tap Zack and nod his head to Trini was on her phone. Zack widened his eyes and shook his head instantly. Percy clenched Zack wrist and glared at him, causing a bruise to form. Zack bit down on his tongue and finally got up. 

Trini," he said. 

"What?" She asked, not looking up from her phone. 

"May we have this dance?" He asked, holding out his hand

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now