Chapter Two

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I was in my room fuming. I was so angry. I knew if I stayed at Camp then I may hurt someone. And I knew that if i left, I may not make it on my own. The amount of monsters I have made mad...the amount of gods I have odds of survival is about a 12% chance. And fate is never in my favor. I swear, if Fate was a god then he or she would be worse than Athena, Ares, and Zeus combined. Because Fate really hates me!  14

I grabbed a packing bag and began stuffing clothes in there. I grabbed some ambrosia and nectar from my drawer and threw it in there too. I zipped up my back and slung the strap over my shoulder. I looked around the room, taking in the moment. I was leaving. I was probably going to die. But I didn't belong at camp anymore. Not with those traitors. 

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote Chrion a note.

Dear Chiron, 

I've decided to leave camp. I don't belong here anymore. So if your reading this, don't come look for me. I'm never coming back. 

Love, Percy Jackson.

I looked at it and realized I wrote it in Greek. I shrugged and folded the paper and then put it on my desk. Then I waited until night time. I waited impatiently, by the way. When night came, I left my cabin.

The air was cold. All the campers were at dinner. I set off out of the camp to the woods when a sound made me stop. I quickly turned around and found my sword to Grover's throat. He whimpered and I withdrew my sword instantly.

"Sorry," I said guiltily, "didn't know it was you." 

He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "So you heard?" he asked. Anger coursed through me again at the thought of Grover knowing and he didn't even think to tell me.

"Yea," I said bitterly, "I knew." 

He nervously laughed but I just glared at him. He instantly stopped and his eyes trailed to my bag. "You're leaving?" He asked sadly.

"Yea," I said, "I have no real friends here. Everyone knew and didn't bother to tell me. I don't belong here anymore." 

Grover sighed. "Don't leave Percy," he said, "you belong here, I mean Chiron and Mr. D even agreed to not let you know until after the war so you wouldn't be distr-" he covered his mouth instantly. I grabbed his shoulders and glared at him angrily. 

What!?" I semi-yelled.

"Um...ha...uh..." he said nervously.

"Grover..." I threatened. 

He sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Chiron and Mr. D agreed with the campers to not tell you about it until the war with Gaea was over so you would focus on the main task but we planned to tell you afterwards and-" I stopped him. 

"Who else knew?" I asked angrily.

"Um...actually it's more like who didn't know," he said nervously.

I clenched my fists by my side. "What great friends," I sneered.

I turned on my heels and walked away, leaving a stumped Grover. As I walked, I realized dinner was now over and many people were heading to there cabins. So much for leaving unnoticed. I caught a few eyes who were looking at me sadly. Then I saw them, Nathan and Annabeth. Laughing. Until their eyes settled on me. I snapped my attention to in front of me and continued to walk faster.  5

Soon enough, I was out of camp grounds and in the woods. I could feel their stares on my back and it was unnerving. So I took off running as fast I could. Jumping over logs and tree stumps and going literally no where. 

Remember when I said Fate hated me?  67

You do? 


Well Fate hates me a lot apparently. Soon enough it started to rain and I slipped and fell on my butt. I cussed under my breath and rolled over. The rain poured harder and I reminded myself to write a long letter to Zeus about how much I despise him. 

I rolled over onto my back and looked in the sky. The rain was pouring hard now. I rolled over and pushed myself onto my feet. I was about to start walking again when something caught my eye. It was a glowing blue amulet. Mesmerized, I reached into the mud and picked it up. I rubbed some of the mud off of it, making it grow brighter. 8

"Cool," I said. 

I put the amulet on my neck and started walking again.  15

That's when the amulet started to float kind of. I stopped in my tracks and stared down at it. The rain around me seemed to slow down. I looked around curiousity. That's when something started to form in the air in front of me. At first it was just a blue circle but then it started to grow more into a swirly blue...portal.

I backed up but I ended up slipping. Right when I thought I was about to hit the ground, I just floated up in the air and then I started flying towards the portal. I screamed as I was thrown into the portal and my life from that point changed forever. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now