Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: Author here! Anyways, here goes some more of the story!

Percy: Gifted, please! I promise, no more joking.

Me: I want to make you lose your sight.

Percy: Just because I won't say it right!? I'll say it!

Me: 😐 Okay, Percy. I'm trusting you here.

Percy: I've got this, okay?

Me: Okay

Me: What time is it!? 😁


Me: I hope you drown 😑 1

Percy: Ha ha, Poseidon kids can't drown! 🙃 2



I woke up with a killer headache. I expected to be alone in the woods. That's the exact opposite of where I was though. I was in some sort of ship looking place and people were looking down at me. I couldn't make out their faces but I could faintly hear their voices.

"Crap, he's waking up," one voice said.

"Help him up," another voice said.

Next thing I know, someone with brownish hair is pulling me to my feet. I feel wobbly, my vision not clear yet. I almost fall over again but someone pushes me back up. That's when my vision cleared. In front of me were Kimberly, Jason, Zack, Trini, and Billy. And behind them, you won't believe this, was a face. No body or anything. Just a big beady face on a wall. The beads seemed to vibrate when he spoke.

"Percy Jackson, I presume," the voice said. He sounded old but not too old. He kind of had a deep voice and reminded me of those teachers that give you pep talks or inspirational quotes or something.

I widened my eyes at the figure and stumbled backwards into someone. Zack. "Relax man," Zack said, "we aren't going to hurt you." That's what everyone says right when they are about to hurt me. 1

"We've been watching you, Percy," Zordon explained.

I rubbed my head, trying to calm down the pounding in my head. "Yeah, that's not creepy at all," I said.

"When we found out another possible power ranger was discovered and you came to town, Jason linked two and two together," Zordon explained, "ever since then we bugged you."

Yea. The power rangers are pro stalkers. 👏🏼

"Stalkers," I thought out loud.

"Pretty much," Zack agreed.

"We've been keeping track of you Percy to see if you are worthy enough to be on our team," Jason explained, "and after you defeated Rita and that other guy we believe we can trust you."

"Even if you are the green ranger," Zordon said. I don't think he likes green rangers very much by the tone he used when he said that. He sounded disgusted.

"So buddy," Zack said, hitting my back, "what do you say? You wanna join the power rangers?"

"We are superheroes!" Billy chimed in.

I smiled and looked around at all of them but I my eyes rested on Kimberly. And then I said my response.

------------------------- AWESOME TIME SKIP BECAUSE ITS MYSTERIOUS -----------------------------

DUCK PERCY!" Zack yelled.

I ducked but the monster still came after me, tackling me to the floor hard. I winced in pain and rolled over to the side as the monster tried to step on me.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now