Chapter thirty-two

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I don't know where I am. Everything is dark and silent. I feel little needles in my arms and everything burns. But my eyes burn the worst. It feels like someone set them on fire. At first I think it's Leo joking with me. But I remember that Leo isn't here and I couldn't even see him. Something was wrong. And I couldn't remember what.

I groaned in pain, feeling as if my back had been slammed into concrete and I think that's exactly what happened. Maybe I died. Maybe I'm in tarturas. I thought I was a good person though. But it didn't feel like Tarturas. I know what Tarturas is like. Wherever I was is dark and silent. So, so, so, silent. 1

That's when I felt someone's hand touch mine. It was soft and warm. I couldn't hear what they said but at the end, they squeezed my hand and left. I was confused. Where was I? And what in the world was going on?

I squirmed in my position and sat up. Everything was dark. I couldn't see a thing. And I was scared. So scared. It was so silent and so dark. What the tarturas happened to me? 1


I'm on a warpath right now.

Something inside of me snapped when I saw Percy in surgery. All rational thinking went out the window for me. I was at the fairground, looking for clues. Acid bubbled on the floor in some places so I had to be careful. I was headed towards the Ferris wheel, where the monster was last was seen before it exploded and blinded Percy.

When I reached the ground, I started looking around. I didn't really know what I was looking for. Just something that could help me understand how to help Percy.

But I couldn't find anything. Not a clue. And I felt pissed. Even more mad then when Leo realessed tarantulas in my cabin for the seventh time. I couldn't help Percy. I felt like I was failing him. And I felt weak. Like, never before. I hated that feeling. For once, when Percy needs me, I can't help him? It's horrible. His eyes were burned. Black areas where his iris should be. 1

He needed me and I couldn't save him.

What kind of torture is that?


I looked around the room. I could only see darkness. My back didn't hurt anymore, so that was a plus. But I felt weak. It took me a while to stand up. When I regained my balance, I had to feel against the walls to get to the light switch. When I turned it on though, I still couldn't see a thing. In confusion, I flipped the switch again, thinking maybe I had turned it off. Nope. I still couldn't see.

My heart began to beat erratically and sweat cascaded down my forehead. What was wrong with my eyes? It's like that feeling you get when you get up too fast and suddenly your lightheaded and blackness appears. Except, instead of the blackness going away after a while, mine stayed.

Percy?" someone behind me asked.

I turned to the sound but saw no one. It sounded like Zack.

"Sit down, man," Zack said, helping me to the bed.

I sat down and looked around. I couldn't see a thing. Not. A. Thing.

"Zack?" I asked him, "um what's wrong with my eyes."

I was scared of the answer I was going to receive. Because deep down, I knew what had happened. I just didn't want to admit it.

"Well, Percy, remember when that monster attacked the fair?" He asked me.

I gulped, nodding my head. It started to come back to me. Like pieces to a puzzle. The fight. The thing exploded. Acid. Acid?! I...I bended it. But I wasn't strong enough to stop it before it...

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now