Chapter twelve

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After the attack, Chiron was speaking to every camper to see who could of possibly let down the barrier

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After the attack, Chiron was speaking to every camper to see who could of possibly let down the barrier. During all of this, I was searching for Nathan. I know this may be biased but I think he had something to do with it. He was no where at camp today and he wasn't in the fight. Plus, he always had that weird feel about him that said, "he is either evil or psycho". I'm going with both.

"Have you guys seen Nathan?" I asked a group of girls.

"Why, so you can make out with him?" one of the girls asked.

I took in a deep breath. I kept chanting in my head "you can't kill the campers", "you can't kill the campers", "you can't kill the campers", "you can't kill the campers", "you can't kill the campers". And then there was that voice that said, "you can make it look like an accident". 1

I walked off, leaving them to their whispers and gossip. I hated Aphrodite children. Only person I liked was Piper. And, sometimes, I hated her. Probably once a month. I walked towards the ocean and looked out to sea. Some people were surfing, some people were sun bathing, and some people were just playing in the water. I looked to my left. Nothing. To my right. Woods. But Nathan was no where near. Sighing, I turned around and bumped right into my most hated person. No, it wasn't Hera. It was...


"I heard you were looking for me," Nathan said with a cheeky grin.

He had his shirt off and red swimming trunks on. He was carrying a surf board with his right arm. I hated everything about him in that moment. If I could get away with it, he would have been dead a long time ago.

"Where were you during the attack?" I asked.

His smile faltered. It was quick though. It soon rose back into its usual smirk. "At the hospital," he said walking past me and heading to the ocean, "I was tending to the wounded." +

I put my hands on my hips. "So you won't mind if I ask Will, do you?" I asked. He snorted and slowly turned around. The smirk was gone. Only a frown.

"Now, Annie," he said, "if you think I had anything to do with that attack, then you have got to be the most idiotic child of Athena to be born."

I gave a small laugh and lowered my head to the sandy floor. I could easily pin him to the ground and slice his chest open. I could drown him in the water. I could get Leo to fry him. I could get Piper to charmspeak him off a cliff. I could get Jason to throw him into space. I could get Thalia to electrocute him. I could get Nico to attack him with the dead. I could get Frank to sit on him in elephant form. I could get Hazel to see his worst nightmares. I could get Clarrise to impale him. Or, my least favorite, I could control my anger and we could talk through this. Possibly.

 I brought my head black up and stared at him. "Your right," I said, "I am in idiot. I actually started to date you. Worst mistake of my life. Your a jerk and an idiot. I know you let the barrier down and sent those monsters in. That's not the question I'm asking you, though. What I want to know is why you did it." +

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now