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It's only been a few hours since I've been blind and I already hate it. I can't see what anyone is doing. Everything is just dark. I feel so scared all the time. Like I'm reliving tarturas. But alone this time. You think tarturas is bad? Imagine your own imagination. I have a pretty psycho one, considering everything I've seen in my life time. I imagined things that would make your skin tingle. Things that make you hide under the cover. Things that make you faint.

Of, course I won't elaborate on those things. I don't want to give you a heart attack. But it was horrible.

I was currently on the couch. I could feel Jason playing on the Xbox in his living room beside me. He was babysitting me. I hated the word "babysit" because I didn't need it. I felt like I could handle myself. But deep down, I knew that wasn't true.

"Dang!" Jason yelled, as I heard an explosion sound on his TV.

I jumped a little at the sound. All sound caused me to jump a little. Try closing your eyes. Then have your brother or sister or mom or dad or whoever is with you hit something beside you really loud without you expecting it. It could take minutes of seconds or even hours. I bet you would be so on edge because you would have no idea when the sound would come. That's how I felt. I felt so on edge all the time. And when the sound does happen, my heartbeat accelerates. I would rather have lost my hearing.

My eye sight is everything. I fight with these eyes. I play with these eyes. I survive with these eyes. I would have rather lost a limb! But I knew I shouldn't be complaining. Someone out there was also blind and deaf and here I was complaining about only being blind.

I mentally hit myself upside the head for it. It was wrong for me to feel this way. I shouldn't have thought that. Being deaf was just as bad. And at least I wasn't both. I couldn't live with myself if I was both.

"You hungry? I can make breakfast or something?" he asked me. I could hear him pause his game.

I shook my head, not wanting to be needy or anything. And, honestly, I had lost my appetite. Crazy, huh? I usually crave food more then Tyson craves peanut butter. And that's ALOT.

"What time is it?" I asked.

I could feel movement on the couch change and shift a little. I could hear him clicking his phone. It was weird. I wouldn't have been able to hear that before. I didn't dwell on it too much though.

"6:00," he replied, "I should probably get ready for school."

I nodded, leaning back on the couch. The only upside to this was that I didn't have to go to school. The downside was that I would be homeschooled by the one and only Zordon. The guy that literally hates my guts just because of the color of my sk-

...suit. *cough* suit. +


Anyways, I dreaded that. I wouldn't need eyesight to see that Zordon hates me. I wouldn't need hearing either. It was so evident that it was unbelieveable. I can understand if someone hates me but his reason isn't valid. I've never harmed anyone innocent before.


On purpose I haven't, at least.

I don't know how long I waited for Jason to finish with whatever the hell he was doing in his room. I was tired and frustrated and a little annoyed. I didn't get much sleep last night. It was so silent. It scared me badly. Very very badly.

After what felt like hours of waiting, I could hear footsteps. Smooth and fast. I could feel someone near me and then I felt the couch shift. Jason had set down again.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now