Chapter Seven

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Camp Half Blood

The search for Percy has gotten more intense. Some people suggested that Percy may have went to his parents place but when the parents replied with "we haven't seen Percy since we moved" then everyone began to worry. There were more search parties and Chiron even tried to involve the gods.

The seven plus Nico and Thalia were in the throne room speaking to Zeus about Percy's whereabouts.

"We think we know where he went," Hephaestus informed them, "but we don't know EXACTLY where he went."

That's when Apollo began explaining the whole portal thing. The Seven returned to camp with the news and begged Chiron to let them go through the portal Apollo would attempt to reopen. Chiron gave Mr. D a look and Mr. D snorted.

"No," he mouthed.

Chiron turned back to the kids.

"Sorry but we can't lose more of you," Chiron explained, "if Percy went through a portal then maybe it's because he belongs there. The mission is off." 1

Annabeth heart was breaking everyday Percy wasn't with her. She missed him. She loved him. More than anything. She never loved or liked Nathan. He was just there at the time. She wanted Percy back and she felt empty without him. So when Chiron said that they weren't going on the mission, Annabeth almost erupted. It took a lot of charmspeak from Piper and Frank holding her back to stop her from killing a centaur and minor god. 1

They returned to their cabins in dissapointment and regret. Especially Annabeth. She wasn't very popular around camp. Some people despised her for cheating on Percy. Others either didn't care or had sympathy for the hate she was getting. 1

Now, this is Annabeth we are talking about.

So let's not pretend she didn't kick everyone's butts for messing with her.

Painfully. 1

Excruciatingly painfully. 1

But she still hated it. She wanted to run away from camp too. Just thinking about that made her miss Percy more. She was battling serious depression. Only her friends still hung out with her or comforted her. Others either ignored her or gave her the dirty looks. Which she was gladly return. But still. It hurt.

But like seriously.

This is Annabeth we are talking about. 1

They all got bruises for so much as GLANCING in her direction. She sort of turned into a chiller version of Clarrise La Rue. Oh and those two are friends. A lot of weird friendships formed when Percy left. And relationships, also. Thalia started secretly dating some guy named Bruce. Will and Nico got together. Leo started dating Clarrise. Yea. I'm not joking. He did. Piper and Jason still date each other. 8

Who knew Percy leaving would affect them all so much.

Oh wait.

I DID! 2


School. Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Life. When Tommy said I had to go to school, he also said I had clothes in the closet I could wear. He really planned this out. My size and everything. 6

I put on a blue shirt, black jacket, and some black pants with blue Nike shoes. I so badly wanted to just sleep. But I also wanted to help these mysterious people and help fulfill Tommy green ranger position. Which meant, and dare I say it, school.

Now, I have many reasons for hating school.

1. In one of my schools, my teacher tried to brutually murder me because I supposedly stole Zeus lightning bolt which I did not do.

2. In Highschool, a beautiful cheerleader also tried to murder me for no actual reason. She just wanted to suck my blood and drain me.

3. In that same school, I kind of accidentally burned it down. Yea. My bad.

4. I have dyslexia which makes it hard for me to really learn well and see. Also, I have ADHD which makes it tough for me to pay attention. So. Yea. My life sucks.

5. I'm like a bully magnet. Any bully in a 5 mile radius just has to come find me and bully me. I swear. Bullies love to pick on me for some odd reason and I really don't understand why. I'm not ugly. I'm not scrawny. I'm not mean. I'm not an idiot....


Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Okay okay. That's still no excuse though.

I walked all the way to school, not pausing to get breakfast. I felt like barfing. Which sucked because I didn't really have anything to barf up. So it was just this buzzing pulsing pain in my stomach and throat that I wanted to upchuck.

It didn't take long for me to reach the school. And when I entered the school building, everyone's eyes wandered to me. Conversations halted as everyone stared at the new kid. Some girls by the locker giggled and pointed at me. Some jocks beside them just glared. I'm guessing the girls were the popular kids. I felt totally self conscious as everyone stared. It's either because I forgot my pants or I had something on my face. Or it's because I'm handsome.


Probably the second one.

I ignored their stares and walked down to the main office to receive my schedule. The lady there, who was old with gray hair and her wrinkles had wrinkles, glared at me as I walked in. Do I just invoke the presence "ITS A DIRTY SEA SCUM" around old people? I mean, Athena and Aphrodite seem to hate me so I probably do.

Ba Dum Tssss.

Hahaha. Don't tell them I called them old. Even though they are old. But they will kill me. Mercilessly. You think the romans are bad? Imagine how Aphrodite of Athena may look if a demigod said they looked old. Imagine the amount of pain you would experience in the minimum of 5 seconds. Dallas, a kid who called Aphrodite old, was put in the infirmary for five months and is probably still there.

Aphrodite found the way to his heart.

And by that I mean she punched him in his chest so hard that his heart stopped beating for a few seconds and we all thought he was dead. Everyone steered clear of Aphrodite. Especially Zeus who began clutching his chest whenever she entered the room.

It was quite funny.

If Aphrodite wasn't planing on murdering you with a look.

The old lady sneered at me and grunted, "what do ya want, kid?"

"My schedule," I replied, "I'm Percy Jackson."

She started rummaging through her drawers and pulled out a file. It said Perseus Jackson on it. She looked up at me and said with a smirk, "sorry but we don't have that file."

I clenched my fists and smiled also. "Give me my file old lady," I said snarkily, giving her a menacing glare.

She scoffed and was about to say something when a door from behind her swung open. Kimberly and two girls walked out with the principal who looked annoyed and angry. Kimberly was arguing with the other girls who both had bruises on them.

"ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" the principal yelled, covering his ears.

When the screaming had stopped, his hands fell back down to his sides and he cleared his throat. "You girls are dismissed," he said wearily, "until we can find full evidence about what happened. Until then, stop fighting each other."

He turned around and headed back into his office. The girls glared at Kimberly before walking off. In my direction. When they came near me, they kind of just smiled and waved. Being the gentleman I am, I waved back. They giggled and started whispering to each other and walked off. I looked over to Kimberly who seemed to be pissed beyond understanding.

She walked out of the office in pure anger, not even looking my way which really sucked. I don't know if it was because I liked her or because...well...I liked her. But I hated that. I was trying to get over relationships. But nope. I ignored my feelings though, to the best I could, and snatched my schedule from the lady who just smiled evilly in response. I like most old people. Her. I hated. The gods? I despised. Maybe I don't like old people.

I exited the office and went off to class to start my day off in literal hell. This is going to be the best day ever. (Hint the sarcasm).

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