Chapter Thirty-eight

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I havent been to school in a while so no one really knew that I was blind. It was kind of embarrassing when i got out of Jason's truck with sunglasses at night and a walking stick. I could already hear the whispers, not to mention the loud music playing from the building. 

"This is going to be awesome," Zack said, patting me on the back, almost causing me to drop my stick, "you just wait."

I didnt even want to be here. But i was trying my very best to be a good sport to show Zack that i can have a good time. I mean, I probably wouldnt but it wouldn't kill me to try right? Did I just jinx myself again? Ah, schist.

Me, Zack, Billy, and Jason walked into the school building where the music just got louder. They were playing some Backstreet Boys song called "everybody". The girls werent here yet because they weren't finished getting ready. I deciphered that as Trini was giving Kimberly an insanely difficult time. 

Using my walking stick, i was able to watch out for walls and people who whispered things i was hoping no one would whisper. Tonight was already turning sour. The last dance i had been too wasnt that good either. Monsters ended up attacking and i lost Annabeth for a very long time. Good things tend to not happen for me at dances. Or anywhere. I'm a bad luck magnet. 

We all reached the gym were the dance was being held. Our gym is pretty gigantic so it was enough to hold all of us and some more. Tables were lined up against the wall on the opposite side of the bleachers. Some people were sitting on the bleachers too. There was a stage up front where the DJ was and opposite that were tables of food that i could smell. 

"Oh my god," Zack said, "they have cupcakes. Ill be right back."

He walked off and took a bite into one of the cupcakes. He moaned in glee and continued to devour the thing. I mentally hit my head on the wall and walked over to the tables. Me, Billy, and Jason sat down and started having a casual conversation. I was mainly listening to some of the people who were whispering things about me though. 

"Oh my god, is that Percy?"

"Ha, did Cole finally catch up to him?"

"He was probably blinded by doing something incredibly stupid."

"What an idiot. Who blinds themselves. He probably just wants attention."

"Yea, he just wants all the girls to be over him. What a douche."

I tuned them out immediatley, knowing that if I didn't, i was going to go over there and put someone in the hospital for sure. 

"Okay, Percy," Billy said, "I want to test your hearing so i am going to say something under my breath really quietly and you have to tell me what i say."

I nodded. 

"Alright," he said.

He said the word, "ranger" so quietly that no one would have heard it, even if their ear was right under his mouth. Mainly because of the music, it would have been difficult to hear him. But i was able to block the music out. Kind of like a new power, I guess. 

"You said ranger," I told back to him. 

"Yep," he replied, fastly clapping like he usually does. 

I could hear Zack walk over behind me. His shoes hit the gym floor lightly, so i could tell he was tiptoeing. I could feel the motion of the wind move as Zack put his hand to his mouth. That's when he attempted to "neck me."

Some idiotic kids at my school do this "neck" thing. Its where if someone's neck is wide open, you hit them on the neck really hard and slide you hand over it. Like your trying to pull their neck out, basically. It leads to bruises, anger, and fights. No one has ever been able to "neck" me. No one ever will "neck" me for all I'm concerned. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now