Chapter Eleven

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It's been three weeks since the mission failed and everyday Annabeth felt sadder and sadder. There was always an empty hole in her stomach, yet she was full of so much pain. It was weird. Like something was taking her life force away. She lay in her camp cabin, thinking of ways to get Percy back. For all she knew, he could be dead.

"Percy," she said softly as she stared at her wall.

When Annabeth first found out Percy left, she was sad. And Nathan helped. But now she regretted it. She didn't know Percy would have given anything for her. Would of fell into Tarturas for her. Now she would go to the ends of the Earth for him. She wouldn't hesitate to give her life for his. She missed him so much and hurt. It hurt so badly. Even if they couldn't be back together, she wanted them to at least be friends. Otherwise, she would never recover.

Annabeth hated Nathan. Annabeth didn't hesitate to say she loved Percy. It was Nathan. He, somehow, cut her off with his mind. She couldn't say a word. When she was at the beach, she was thinking of ways to explain to Nathan that she didn't love him. She loved Percy. But Percy already left and she felt it was no use. After Percy left, Annabeth knew she couldn't love anyone anymore but she still tried to be friends with Nathan. But Nathan grew cold and mean. He said if she didn't love him then he would make her life a living hell. And he succeeded. She felt as if Tarturas was better.

The only reason she wasn't praying for the ground to swallow her up was because she felt she may still have a chance to find Percy. A slim chance? Yes. But still a chance. But everyday, she felt that percentage of a chance getting lower and lower. She didn't feel like herself. She felt weak. It would take her hours to get out of bed. Sometimes, she wouldn't eat for a day. She missed Percy so much. She didn't even care if anyone hated her. She just wanted Percy.

Annabeth looked around her cabin, turning her head from left to right. It seemed so dim, even though it was bright and sunny outside. It was empty. Her sisters were out playing capture the flag while she was in bed feeling bad for herself. Just thinking about that made Annabeth angry. Of all the things the world has put her through, she could handle. Put having Percy leave her? She couldn't handle it. Not one bit. 1

Right when Annabeth was about to doze off to sleep, her cabin swung open. It was Piper. Piper visited daily to make sure she was still alive and not trying to do something she would regret. In her hands was grapes, apple slices, and a sandwich. Annabeth groaned and flung her cover over her head, shielding herself from Piper.

"You can't just barge into my room, you know," Annabeth announced.

"Eat," Piper demanded, moving the cover away from Annabeth face.

"I already ate," Annabeth lied. Piper glared at her.

"I could always force feed you," Piper suggested.

Annabeth scoffed. "Okay, Piper," she said, turning over on her side. She could easily take Piper if she had too.

"Eat Annie," another voice commanded.

Annabeth sighed. Now she definitely had to eat. The person who spoke was one of the people Annabeth had trouble defeating. One of her best friends. Thalia Grace. But don't call her by her last name. She will brutually hurt you, if not murder you with her bow and arrow.

Don't call me Annie," Annabeth warned.

"Don't starve yourself," Thalia replied, plopping down on Annabeth bed.

Annabeth ignored her and turned over to the plate of food. Her stomach rumbled as she stared at it. In about 300 seconds, 5 minutes, the food was gone. Annabeth didn't realize how hungry she was until she took a bite of the sandwhich.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now