Chapter Twenty-One

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(A/N: Another story!!!!! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I had to study really hard to pass this history test and project that's 50% of my grade and I got a 98 A! So that's awesome! Here is the story though. 1

Percy: Rita's...son.

Me: Yes, Percy

Percy: Is it like a tradition in that family to mess up my life?

Me: Sure, Percy

Percy: On Christmas, is their birthday present one of my body parts?

Me: Geesh, Percy

Percy: Must you ruin my life, Gifted?

Me: Yes, Percy

Percy: WHY!?😭

Me: It's drama, Percy. It's okay, Percy. One day, Percy, in one of these stories, Percy, I shall not harm you, Percy. That day won't be this day though, Percy 😈 1

Percy: W-what's that supposed to mean?

Me: You'll see, Percy. You'll see.

Percy: HUH!?

Percy: Gifted?




School was my main priority at the moment. Zordon said I couldn't even miss a day of school unless I had a missing limb. I honestly considered cutting off my arm but thought against it. I just REALLY don't like school.

As I walked to school, I started to think. Life at school wasn't as horrible. I wasn't hated by many. Only the boys. The girls loved me. Which kind of sucks. I liked Kimberly. Not them. And if Kimberly thought I liked those people she wouldn't even consider giving me a chance. All I'm asking for is a chance. And not to mention Jason. I know she likes Jason and I think Jason likes her but I also like her. Life is just too complicated right now.

And I was planing on asking her to homecoming before Jason could. After all, it was her choice who she picks but I was really hoping she picked me. I started to feel giddy about it. A big grin spread across my face. I probably looked like an idiot but I didn't care at the moment. But as I entered the school, I stopped smiling. I have a reputation here. Bad boy. It helps me not get bullied. I mean, I can take them but I don't want to harm them permantley. I could harm Cole though. I had no problem with that.

I made my way to my locker, weaving past people. Right when I got there, Amanda and Harper walked up to me. I groaned, turning to face my locker instead of their bright smiles. Amanda and Harper were the girls who probably had the biggest crush on me at school. And they were also the most popular girls. I didn't like them though. I didn't really understand why Kimberly hated them but she did so I didn't like them either. But they didn't seem to understand that part.

"Hey, Percy," Harper said with a grin.

"Hi Amanda," I replied, messing up her name on purpose. Maybe she would buzz off. She didn't. She just frowned a little then smiled and laughed.

"I'm Harper, silly," Harper said. That's when Amanda interjected, moving in front of her.

"So Percy," Amanda said, "there was this homecoming dance coming up and-" that's when the bell rang.

"Saved by the bell," I muttered, shutting my locker.

"Wait!" Amanda called, "you didn't hear what I had to say."

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now