Chapter Fifteen

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The monster with the cloak on raised the spear to plunge into my heart. I was fast though. I punched the cloaked figure in the stomach, sending it sprawling backwards. I immediately jumped to my feet and got out my dagger. Chiron was gone. Either he left me or he wasn't there in the first place and I wasn't hallucinating. Ah. Hallucinating. I wish.

The monster got out a dagger that looked very familiar. We battled dagger to dagger. The monster cut my arm and then my leg, causing me to fall to the ground. I rolled to the side as the monster tried to strike me in the heart. I kicked the monster in the leg and it grunted. It wasn't a monster grunt. It was a human grunt.

I moved to strike the human in the heart, when the human grabbed my wrist, slammed me into a pole, and did this flippy thing where suddenly they were behind me. Before I could move, they slammed my head into the pole repeatedly.

"Okay, that's enough," Chiron said, emerging from the shadows. I fell to the ground in complete pain. The shadowed figure stepped away from me.

"What the hell Chiron?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Annabeth," Chiron replied, "I forgot how ruthless Romans are."

When he said that, the hooded figure removed the cloak from their face. I grunted. Of course it was her. It was Reyna. "Sorry," Reyna said queasily, "sometimes I get a little too competitive." Not only was I in pain, but I was in embarrassment. I just got bested by Reyna. I was never going to live this one down.

"What...was...that...for?" I asked through gritted teeth. I really wanted to punch something. Or someone. Specifically Reyna.

"Your sloppy, Annabeth," Chiron explained, "I designed a test to see if you could survive on your own outside of the barrier. If you can't defeat Reyna, how do you expect to take on the monsters."

I clutched my head and glared at him. "You couldn't have just told me that?" I asked, trying my best to contain my anger.

"I admit, it wasn't my best plan but would you really have listened?" Chiron asked. He was right. I wouldn't have. But this was still humiliating.

"We can talk about this in the morning," Chiron stopped me from asking any more questions, "until then, you should go to the infirmary."

"Oh yea," I said sarcastically, "your right. You know, if I could move without immense pain being caused to my leg. Hmmm, how did that get there? Oh yea! You sent the she-devil after me!"

Reyna glared at me, clutching her dagger. "If you were strong enough to defeat me, we wouldn't have that problem, would we?" Reyna asked.

I glared at her, cuss words ready to spew from my mouth. But Chiron stopped me. "Reyna is right," Chiron said, "and a good idea too, Reyna."

Reyna looked as confused as me. "Yes," Chiron said, "okay, that's what we will do. Reyna will train you to your full strength. If you pass, you can go find Percy. If you fail, you have to stay at camp and not risk your life."

Reyna widened her eyes. "I didn't agree to that," she stated, "I only agreed to hurting her. Not training her!" It's very hard not to shout at someone you despise. I didn't despise Reyna. Until now.

"You don't have anything else better to do?" Chiron asked more then said, "I mean, you are still waiting to see who the next praetor will be."

Reyna was about to speak but then faltered. She shrugged and said, "fine." I widened my eyes. Didn't I get a say in this?

Great!" Chiron said, "training starts tommorow!"

Jason warned me how ruthless Reyna could be in a battle. I didn't believe him until tommorow. Tommorow was a world of pain for me. Yes. Tarturas is possibly better. 1

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now