Chapter Thirty-six

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"What do you guys think?" Zack asked us. "Bow tie or just a tie?"

We all were at a mall getting ready for prom. There had been no sign from Rita for the past 2 weeks so we believed she was finally dead. Of course, i was still wary about it but it was kind of from my mind. I wanted to avoid the pain and not have to think about it. Just for once, i wanted to have a normal peaceful day.

"Do the tie," Jason replied, looking at himself in the mirror, "it shows you are mature." Zack and me laughed simaltaneously.

"Just do it," Jason replied, rolling his eyes, "you want Trini to think you have grown up."

Zack rolled his eyes. "Nice try but i already told you guys i wont be telling you who I'm going with. So give it up."

I was kind of hopping Trini and Zack would go together. They kind of made a cute but weird couple that you don't expect to ever happen but you really want to happen. Kind of like me and Annabeth. Or Thalia and Leo. Or Thalia and Reyna. Theyna is cannon.

"Plus, I'm not the biggest concern," Zack replied, turning to me. I could already tell what he was about to say. "Why arent you going to the prom, Percy?"

"I don't have a date," i replied, "and im still blind. Plus, i was mainly planning on sleeping all day." Zack rolled his eyes.

"Just go with Annabeth," he said, "or with literally any girl at school because you are almost as big a catch as me. Almost. Not close. But almost."

"Even if Annabeth was going, which she isnt, i wouldnt go with her," I replied, "it would be really awkward."

"Listen buddy," Zack said, hitting me on the shoulder, "I don't care if she did cheat on you. From what you've told me, it sounds like she made a mistake. We all make mistakes. You make mistakes, like when you wait until now to tell us your a demigod. But understand this. There is one valuable thing about Annabeth. She is smoking hot so don't be a coward and go to the dance with her!"

Jason and Billy laughed while i rolled my eyes, trying to suppress a smirk. Yea. I told them about me being a demigod. I didnt divulge too much. But i couldnt really go on without telling them, considering Annabeths fighting skills. Its pretty obvious we stand out here. I'm guessing they just didnt want to mention it yet.

"Shut up," i said jokingly.

Zack laughed and punched me in my arm hard and then ran away. I was getting better at my hearing so i was able to catch him and tackle him to the ground.

"Gah get off of me hippo!" He yelled.

"I have better abs then you do!" I replied, "when was the last time you worked out again?"

He growled and pushed me off. "Just like little kids," Jason said, walking away from us.


"Please leave me alone!" Trini begged.

We were at the mall and i was practically forcing Trini to try on dresses. She claims she isnt going to prom. Not on my watch she isnt.

"All you have to do," I replied, chasing after her, "is try this on! And then ill leave you alone!"

"You and me both know thats not true!" She yelled back, ducking under my arms and running towards the closet. Before i could reach her, she locked it. I sighed in defeat.

Its not going to kill you," I said to her.

"Its too tight," she replied, "and too pink. And too short!" 3

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now