Chapter Five

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I needed a plan. So first I needed to find somewhere to live. I strolled around town for a while and set off into the woods. I felt as though the amulet brought me there for a reason and would have at least provided a house for me. I brought out the amulet and held it out in front of me, like a compass. I knew my idea sounded stupid and I was about to give up on it when suddenly I noticed the amulet was starting to get brighter.

"Okay, magical amulet," I said, "were playing hot and cold. Got it." 

I continued to walk forward into the woods, pushing the branches out my face. Eventually I came upon a place where I had two choices for paths. I started to head left but the amulet got dimmer. I sighed and headed right and the amulet started to slowly get brighter. I continued walking and walking. It felt like hours. And I knew it was. The sun was almost starting to set. Only the orange and yellow horizon was in view when I looked up.

"Hurry," I said to the amulet. 

I walked a few more minutes before finally the amulet completely shut off in front of a house. The house was short and normal and had white brick walls. I was in a neighborhood now. I don't know why the amulet made me go the long way instead of just saying. "neighborhood" or something. That would have been nice. 

I looked around the place rolled my eyes. Then I went out of the woods and walked around the house to the front of it. I walked into the driveway and cut across the grass to the front door. Right when I was about to knock, the door slightly creeped open. 

My brain told me to run but my legs said stay. I know I should have listened to my brain but my legs are my friends. Okay, that sounded weird. But they do help me outrun monsters and get away from evil people and save the day. I felt I owed to my legs to do this one thing for them. Also I was tired of walking and I just wanted to lay down and sleep. 

I walked into the house and was shocked to find i wasn't alone. On a big white stairwell stood a guy in a green shirt and green jacket. He had dark curly black hair and smiled down happily at me.

"Percy," he said, "you actually came." 

Feeling at a loss of words, I kind of said something really intelligent like "Bwahuhlampj". See how intelligent that was? Extremely. 

The guy laughed and walked down the stairs. The house was brightly lit. He came to a stop in front of me and grinned. "Perfect," he said, "truly perfect." 

I was still confused but I managed to make out s few words. "Who...who are you?" I asked. 

He grinned and held out his hand. "My name is Tommy," he said proudly, "Tommy Oliver. And I am the green ranger." 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now