Chapter Four

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Hi. Remember when I said the fates hated me? You do. That's amazing. Here is further proof they hate me. Okay, so first they started off with having my girlfriend cheat on me. Then I find out my friends knew. Then, when I leave camp, it magically wants to start raining and I start slipping. Now I get sent into this odd and extremely weird universe! So. You know what. I have one thing to say to you Fate.

Bite. Me. 9

-------- THE MOST AMAZING TIME LAPSE EVER (scientifically proven and everything) -------- 4

"So, Percy, why blow up the toilets in the teacher's lab?" Zak asked me as we left detention.

The teacher decided to make us do something productive for the next two hours and clean the school. I got stuck with Zak and Kimberly. Which wasn't terrible because Zak was really funny and would sometimes drench Kimberly with a bucket of water which got him slapped.

We were now in the cafeteria sweeping up the mess. It was horrendous. And yes. I know what horrendous means. I'm not a complete idiot.

"It was an accident," I started, "I'm new to this school and when I first got here I had to pee really badly so um I went into the teacher lounge when it was empty and peed. Then I got bored and decided to clog the toilets. And then I got a better idea and blew them up. So...maybe it wasn't an accident. I'm not sure."

Zak stopped sweeping and looked at me. "You're crazy man," he said. Then he added, "I like you!" I smiled to myself and began sweeping more.

Eventually we got almost all of the trash up. Now we needed to scrub the tables and get the gum. This is worse then cleaning at camp. Ugh camp. I needed to stop thinking about that place.

"Ew!" Kimberly yelled jumping away from one of the tables.

"What?" Zak asked, looking slightly annoyed.

"That gum had..." she faltered and shivering, "hair in it."

Zak scrunched up his nose. "Ew," he said. Then he smiled.

He walked over to the table, scraped off the gum, put it in a paper towel, and mischeviously walked towards Kimberly. "Ew get away!" she yelled, running away from him as he chased her around the whole cafeteria.

I smiled at the sight. It reminded me of when Leo chased Annabeth around with a fake spider. And then it turned out to be real, but dead. Anyways, Leo ended up with a broken arm, bruised ankle, and a black eye. We all kind of steered clear of Annabeth for a few days.

Just thinking about her made the smile on my face melt. I turned around from the sight and began scrapping more gum into the bucket. When I was finished with all the tables while Zak was chasing Kimberly, I groaned and stared at the two. Right now, Zak was on the floor kneeling because Kimberly kicked him in the place where NO ONE likes being kicked. 6

The eye. 21

Her leg can surprisingly go really high. 3

Zak never saw it coming. 2

It was pretty cunning.

(A/N: Yea, ill stop with the ryhming. Sorry for the torture. I know. Not cool). 7

"Your evil!" Zak shouted, rolling on the floor and clutching his eye.

I dropped my broom, making it clatter to the ground loudly. "While you two were playing, I finished all the tables," I said proudly.

"Good for you buddy," Zak said, "um, do you have an eye bandage?"


When we finished the cafeteria we all had to go back to detention. The teacher left to study all our work and when he came back he announced we could leave except some goth girls and the red head bully.

When I left the school, the other friends started walking in a different direction. Instead of following them, I went the opposite direction. Instead, I went to find food. Any food, actually. Because I was starving to the point of where it was hard for me to walk straight. Eventually, I reached a place called Krispy Kreme. 6

The place was kind of forked up but (A/N: GOOD PLACE reference. No one probably gets it but if you do...your really forking cool!) otherwise the food was really good. And it was free which probably made it taste better. 19

As I ate, something on TV caught my attention. There was news broadcast and the headline was "masked superheroes".

"Turn it up, Josh!" someone yelled.

A guy turned up the TV in excitement and everyone got excited and started listening. The reporter guy said happily into the camera, "and the mayor wants to invite these superheroes to tommorows reunion for saving our lives against the aliens. Everyone is invited! Let's hope they see this message and come."

On the right of the guy was a photo of these mysterious people. But there was only one person in a red suit running towards a little with a golden cane and a green dress with long golden fingernails and behind her was a big golden-goo monster. +

It was weird.

Even for me.

And my life is the literal definition of weird.

Look up weird in the dictionary. You see a picture of me.

That's what Leo said.


I finished my donuts and quickly left the resturant. I had to figure out how I got here and why I was even here. But I had no clue. I knew it was the blue amulet but that didn't matter because it wasn't working. And the fates always mess with me for a reason. So what was it? What was so important that they needed to ruin my life to get me to comply. Even though I technically don't. It's better then being attacked by monsters 24/7 though.

I walked around town and silence and tried to figure out a plan. Why did I wake up in that school for all places? Did the fates want me to find something at the school. Usually when I wake up in mysterious places, it's for a reason. I legit started to suspect Hera was behind this. I think her and Fate are secretly working together! Nah. Hera is usually a loner. Don't tell her that.

I came up with a desicion. To get back home, I had to go to a haunted hell with bullies, learning, and embarrassment. I had to go to the second worst place ever. I had to go to....



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