Chapter Three

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Honestly, the last thing I wanted to do was wake up in detention. I've had my fair share of the place and let me tell you it's not pretty. So when a big man with glasses and a short beard comes up to me and asks, "Are you Tommy" I don't really know how to respond.  1

"Sir," the teacher said impatiently, "is your name Tommy?"  2

I rubbed my temples. "No," I said, "it's Percy. Percy Jackson." 

He sighed and looked down at a clipboard he had been holding and then walked over to his desk at the front of the room. I looked around the room. A lot of people were there, mainly goths or people with a lot of peircings. But there was one group that caught my eye.

There was a white guy with brown hair talking to these other four people. He had on a red shirt and some black pants with a black jacket. The person sitting next to him was a black guy with short black hair. He had on a blue t shirt and some black pants. In front of him was a girl with hair in a type of cool ponytail. She was chewing gum and was kind of laid back in her seat. She was wearing a yellow shirt and some black shorts on. Beside her was another girl with short black hair that ended at her shoulders. She was extremely beautiful. She had on a pink shirt and a black skirt. And beside her was a guy who was probably Chinese or Japanese or Asian. His hair was spiky kind of and he had on a black shirt and black pants. He wore a mischevious grin, one I knew all to well from Leo.  5

They looked like the only normal people in this detention center. 

Speaking of detention.

When I had finally collected my thoughts, I stood up from my seat and walked to the front of the room to the teacher's desk. "Where am I?" I asked him. 

"Detention," he said, not looking at me but instead pointing to the blackboard on the wall behind him. 

"I don't belong here though," I replied.

He laughed. "Sure you don't kid," he said, "now go take a seat." Then he got up from his chair and left the room to probably use the restroom.

I turned around back to the room of bad kids. One guy, he had red hair and evil eyes, was particularly looking at me with interest. I avoided eye contact with him as I made my way back to my desk. But on my way back, he purposely stood up so I could bump into him and yelled, "watch where you're going Percy!" 

"Sorry," I murmured, trying my best not to attract attention to myself.

I made my way back to my seat but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "No one bumps into me and gets away with it," he said snarkily.

I looked up at the clock on the wall. It said 2:00 pm. I looked back at the guy who had grabbed me. "Let me go," I growled at him. 

He laughed shortly. And then he grabbed me by my neck and swung me into a wall. My back impacted first and it hurt a lot. I knocked over a stack of books, accidentally I may add, as I fell to the ground. I felt dizzy for a moment. But the dizziness cleared away and I got back on my feet. The bully ran at me but was intercepted by the guy in the red shirt. The bully ran into him instead and immediately fell to the ground. It was like the guy in the red shirt body was titanium or something.

Unbelievable," the guy murmured, shaking his head.

"Move Jason," the bully said angrily.  4

Cool, his name was Jason. Jason kneeled down and whispered in the bullies ear, "let's get something straight. Your not allowed to bully Percy. Okay?" 

I realized Jason was clenching the bullies wrist tightly. The bully whimpered and nodded and Jason immediately let go of his wrist. Jason stood up and walked over to his group of friends and they began talking like nothing happened. Was this like some daily occurrence or something? 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now